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‘The g ‘The gates to the second world war were opened in 1931’. Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes (1994). Discuss with reference to developments before, during and after 1931.

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Needs to be finished by 4:30pm Australian Eastern standard time. Above 1250 words. I need 80%+. No bibliography necessary
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Students Name Professor’s Name Course Code Date Events that Led to the World War II In his book, Age of Extremes, historian Eric Hobsbawm argues that the “gates to World War II” were opened in 1931. This assertion is open to interpretation, as there are multiple ways to read the phrase "the gates to the Second World War were opened." Hobsbawm may suggest that 1931 was when certain events ultimately made a second global conflict inevitable. Alternatively, he may assert that 1931 marked the beginning of a series of events that incrementally led to the outbreak of the War. Regardless of Hobsbawm's precise meaning, it is worth examining the developments that occurred before, during, and after 1931 to understand his argument better. In this essay, I will explore the developments leading up to, during, and after 1931 that contributed to the eruption of World War II. By examining these historical events, I hope to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that led to the deadliest conflict in human history. Developments before 1931 The long-term causes of the Second World War One could argue that the seeds for the Second World War were sown long before 1931. The Treaty of Versailles concluded the conflict and significantly impacted the postwar world. Many nations, particularly Germany, felt aggrieved by the treaty’s terms. The restrictions on the size of the German military and the onerous compensation payments fueled resentment and anger. These feelings were exploited by the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler, who rose to prominence during economic and political instability. The Great Depression, which began in 1929, further exacerbated the situation. Economic hardship led to the growth of fascist movements in several European countries, creating a volatile political environment. This confluence of factors ultimately resulted in the outbreak of the Second World War. Key events leading up to 1931 that contributed to an international crisis The international situation in the years leading up to 1931 was rife with instability due in part to several significant developments. For one, the Treaty of Versailles had placed punitive reparations on Germany following the First World War, which many historians contend was a primary factor in the nation's subsequent political and economic turmoil. This instability enabled the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, which eventually took control of the country. Additionally, the global economy was struggling to recover from the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and caused widespread poverty and social unrest. Japan, meanwhile, was aggressively expanding its empire in East Asia, and its invasion of Manchuria in 1931 signaled a significant escalation in the region. Unfortunately, the League of Nations was largely unsuccessful in mediating these conflicts or restraining aggressive behavior, leading to heightened international instability. Developments in 1931 Significance of 1931 In 1931, several significant events arguably opened the gates to the Second World War. One of the most critical was the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in September of that year. This marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War, wh...
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