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Reading Questions History Essay Research Coursework

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History Questions
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1 Aldhouse-Green suggests that Druids and Druidism may have been agents of supervision and resistance of Roman culture. This is through the discovery of a single artifact near Coygan Camp. The role of Druids as agents involved subtler means of countering and taking ownership of religious movements. The link between the late Roman cache of silver and gold and the Druids also evidenced that Druids are agents of resistance.
2 Classical iconography was a gold standard against which all other figural sculptures must be measured. South-west Wales was a 'marginal' region of Roman Britain where Roman culture had little or no impact. Romano-British religious iconography in the Cotswolds contained resistance imagery. In considering resistance and appropriation within the colonial context. The evidence of Romano-British occupation of the religion comes from the defended settlements called raths, which are likely to have had Iron Age origin. The rich and complex motifs provide evidence for the strong tradition of indigenous religious art.
3 Syncretism involves shifting equivalences, counter-balances, and negotiations, subjugations as the weaker partner seeks to reaffirm and re-establish self-determination. It is used in the kaleidoscopic array of divine names surviving on inscriptions, thus singling out for synthesis expression. It embraces change and negotiations between the two religions. The coming together of individuals is evident where an individual, almost always the system belongs to the colonial power, has a greater level of education. The expression of syncretized cosmologies and beliefs is likely to be skewed towards the dominant partners. With the transformed iconography, the names and dedicatory messages to the spirits were set as permanent records. The sharing of identification and God's naming puts the divine in the public arena, breaking the stranglehold of secrecy and esoteric knowledge. An example of a double named deity includes the Waters of Sulis (Aquae Sulis).
4 The Cult of Epona is essential to investigating indigenous Gallo-British religion and linkages between pre-Roman and post-conquest traditions. The aggressive gesticulating female figure on these coins might have been transmuted from Epona. It was essential in making Roman Gaul become peaceful prosperity, healing, and the otherwor...
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