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The Great Fair at Thessalonica mid 12th Century

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The Great Fair at Thessalonica mid 12th Century
The Great Fair at Thessalonica mid 12th Century
This paper analyzes a historical document.
The author aims at highlighting to the general audience how the fair of Demetria, which was held in Thessalonica, Macedonia, was conducted in the mid 12th century. The author begins by likening Demetria festival to two other great festivals: Panionia among the Milesians and the Panathenaea at Athens. As such, the author stresses the importance of the fair of Demetria. The author indicates that the fair of Demetria was the most significant festival held in Macedonia during the 12th century. This festival illuminated Thessalonica’s cultural and economic prowess. The author points out how relevant this festival was not only to the natives, but also to the foreigners who joined in the celebrations. The author indicates that the fair of Demetria brought together people from Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, and Bulgaria. The author aims at highlighting the diversity of the cultures which assembled in Thessalonica during the fair of Demetria. The author who had not attended the festival prior to writing this article, made an effort to be part of the celebration that was held in the mid 12 century so as to have a glimpse of this famous historical and cultural event.
The author notes that he was not a native from Macedonia rather, he came from Cappadocia. The author narrates that during the festival, merchants who wore boots of the same color stood in two lines adjacent to each other, leaving a space between them where people passed. The merchants stood so close to each other that they appeared like a centipede when observed from a distance. The author also narrates that men and women wore cloths whose materials had been bought from various places such as Boeotia, Peloponnese, Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Spain. The author notes that foreigners, who came to take part in the fair, brought those materials from their homelands. The author also notes that the festival was not only filled with humans, but also animals of different kinds. They included horses, oxen, sheep, pigs, and dogs. As a result, the fair was full of people, who spoke different languages, and animals of various kinds. The author notes that after the festival, he came to realize why ...
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