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Exam question - American Revolution

Essay Instructions:
What developments in colonial life and British policy led to the American Revolution? Was the American Revolution a radical or conservative affair?
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Exam Question: American Revolution
The American Revolution refers to the series of events, ideologies and changes that led to the political separation of the thirteen colonies in North America and the eventual creation of the United States of America. The height of the American Revolution is the American revolutionary war (1775-1783). The American Revolution did not just happen, several developments in colonial life and British policy were experienced that led to resistance by the colonies. Although British policies had been tolerated for quite sometime, the implementation of very harsh and unfair policies by the British especially during the reign of King George III sparked colonial resistance.
At the dawn of 1760, the British national debt had risen to alarming levels and the British government had to come up with economic initiatives to extract more money from its colonies. The Navigation Acts had been used to control the colonists economies for some time and had been tolerated but the introduction of the writs of assistance were a major issue of concern to the colonies that caused a major crisis and resistance (Hickman, 2010, 1). The writs of assistance were open ended search warrants that permitted the British to search warehouses, homes and ships without reason. Most colonist lawyers felt that the constitutional rights of the colonists were being violated. In 1761, a Boston lawyer James Otis challenged the writs of assistance in court and although he lost the case, it set a stage for colonial resistance to British rule.
The Sugar and Molasses Act of 1764 restricted goods that could be exported to Britain and made changes on taxes while the Currency act of 1764 prohibited the colonies from printing paper money. These created economic crisis for the colonies and this led to...
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