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Critical Precis #4- Malleability and its limits: Senacherib's campaign against Judah as a case-study

Essay Instructions:



This is the 4th Critical precis Im ordering. I want it to be done before March 18th please. I got the last one back and you got a 95%. So take a look at the last précis you did #3 and do it just like that . But of course this time its a different article. So again its the same routine, you need to read "BenZvi" article. You need to write Critical Precis not ESSAY. It is a critical reading response to article 2003 Malleability and its limits.... [Please use with in text citation and put down the page number of the article.] The instructions for the assignment are; The assignment is not very hard. all you have to do is read - its a very short article - and write a short response just like the first and 2nd précis you did, divide it to different sections [ Authors argument, debate of author is responding to, Discuss the methods author, Evidence,. The critical precis is 500 words (2 pages double spaced). The first two or three paragraphs should: 1. Sum up Authors argument. 2. Present the debate AUTHOR is responding to 3. Discuss the methods Author uses to conduct his study and prove his arguments. 4. Discuss the evidence Author uses to formulate his thesis. The last paragraph should be your response to the article. You should include: 1. Do you agree with the methodology and types of evidence Author overall argument? Did it connivence you? 3. If you did not like the methodology and line of arguments, what should Authors changed? Remember, You MUST cite where (i.e. what page number) in Author’s article you are referring to. The easiest way to do this is with in text citations. For example, (BenZvi 2003: 75). YOU MUST SITE THE PAGE NUMBER Again, the last précis you did, which was on [Grabbe] You got 95% as final mark. Keep up the good work, because i will be ordering another one next week. I want this to be exactly like the last one. Try to get 100%. I want the same writer who did 0 0026562 to do this please. No one else can do it as good as him. he made me get 95%. Best!!! Keep up the good work! Thanks




Malleability and its Limits: Sennacherib's Campaign against Judah as a Case-Study*


As per its title, the purpose of this paper is to deal with the campaign of Sennacherib against Judah as a case study for the more general issue of malleability and its limits in ancient historical reporting and particularly Israelite historiographical writings. This issue raises important questions for the study of ancient historical writing in general, and in particular for the study of its dependence on outside-the-narrative referents and on the question of representation.1

Several of the features of this campaign contribute to its being a good case study for this purpose. First, one has to deal with a single, clearly
* May this paper serve as a token of appreciation for Professor John Van Seters. I have learned much from John, and enjoyed greatly our talks and meals together. It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I dedicate this paper to him.

1. To be sure, conclusions based on a particular case should not be assumed to hold true for the general case, but still they raise good heuristic issues and concerns for its study.

Discussions on the question of representation, external referentiality and the like are becoming more common, and increasingly 'passionate' in theoretical discussions about history and history writing. See, for instance, the following exchange of articles, Perez Zagorin, 'History, the Referent, and the Narrative: Reflections on Postmodernism Now', History and Theory 38 (1999), pp. 1-24; K. Jenkins, 'A Postmodern Reply to Perez Zagorin', History and Theory 39 (2000), pp. 181-200; Perez Zagorin, 'Rejoinder to a Postmodernist', History and Theory 39 (2000), pp. 201-209.

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Malleability and its Limits: Sennacherib's Campaign Against Judah As A Case-Study
Malleability and its Limits: Sennacherib's Campaign against Judah as a Case-Study
Zvi (n.d, P.73) made a publication under the title “Malleability and its Limits: Sennacherib's Campaign against Judah as a Case-Study.” It is notable that the objective of the publication was to use the case study in assessing the subject of malleability and its limits in historical reporting. The author of the aforementioned publication picked the aforementioned case study owing to three reasons. First, the chosen campaign had a stable historical outcome that lasted long. Second, information and archeological data on the topic allowed the author to conduct a critical research (Zvi, n.d: 75). Third, it was possible to compare two accounts of the campaign authored form distinct viewpoints and social allocations. The author was able to establish that ancient writers could mould their account of the campaign to serve particular theological, ideological, literary, and rhetorical purposes, as required by their own situation (Zvi, n.d: 89). This paper is an objective critique to Zvi’s (n.d) publication because it analyzes the main debate, methods used, and evidence provided by the author.
The Main Debate
It is crucial to consider the objectives of the author owing to the reality that these objectives will elucidate on the publication’s main argument. Hence, the first objective of the author was to focus on the narrative accounts of the campaign against Judah according to history. It should be noted that another objective was to focus on Israelite history exclusively. Therefore, the main goal of the publication was to analyze the subject of malleability and its limits in a particular set of accounts (Zvi, n.d: 77). These accounts could claim to refer to one historical event or be an integral part of extensive historical narratives.
Methods Used to Conduct the Study
To begin with, the author categorized sources of information on the campaign against Judah. As a result, the writer emerged with the annalistic account, the account in Kings, the account in Chronicles and a paper by Josephus. The author proceeded to ...
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