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Comparing the English Civil War and the French Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Papers requirements: double-spaced, in 12-point size, and between 1,000 and 1500 words in length (about 3 to 5 pages). the paper must include:

1. Introduction, main text with examples to support your point of view, and conclusion.

2. At least 2 quotations from the reading to support your point of view. 

Choice #1 

Compare the major results of the English Civil War and the French Revolution. 

Were they very similar to each other in their results? Or were they very different?

Support your opinion with at least 3 examples, such as political, economic, or social changes.


IT SHOULD BE 1.5 - 2 PAGES OF ESSAY OUTLINE IS REQUIRED BY Wednesday, oct 14 morning


+ Outline of the essay

I would like an outline of the essay that I ordered for 10/16/15

this is an example of how I want the outline only one page and I want to get it on Wednesday 10/14/2015 in the morning.

Sample Introduction with Outline for: What caused the Civil War?

The central cause of the Civil War was the sharpening conflict over which social class would control the federal government. The Southern plantation owners had been dominant in the White House and Congress, dictating both foreign and domestic policies that strengthened their slave-based economy. Northern-based industrial capitalists had competing goals; they wanted the federal government to promote policies that favored manufacturing and trade. In order to accomplish their goals, the industrialists needed to replace the slaveholders as the dominant force in the federal government.

A rising sentiment also developed in the North and West against slavery on moral grounds. By exposing the brutality of slave life, abolitionists and others undermined the moral authority of the slaveholders. Western farmers opposed slavery because it blocked their “free labor” goal of owning their own land and rising social mobility.

A. Main social classes

1. Southern slaveholders: economy based on producing cotton with slave labor

2. Northern capitalists growing in strength: economy based on industry and trade

3. Western farmers, Northern workers: wanted access to land, jobs

B. Mexican War (1846-48) – U.S. takes from Mexico, the area from Texas to California 

1. more slave states  more Congressional seats for slaveholders’ representatives

2. increased land for cotton growing  greater wealth, influence for slaveholders

3. many in North opposed the war  more intense divisions between North/South

C. Compromise of 1850 – Congressional deal with goal of easing North-South tensions

1. new states can only be admitted with equal number of slave and free

 forces everyone to take sides, North or South

 Northern industrialists believe their wealth hasn’t brought them political power

2. Fugitive Slave Act – makes it easier for slaveholders to capture runaway slaves 

 mass protests in North to block the capture and return of runaway slaves

D. Founding of Republican Party in 1850s – first party based on industrial capitalists

1. opposed to any expansion of slavery into any new U.S. territories and states

2. “free labor” platform won support from farmers, urban workers, and abolitionists

3. 1860 - Republicans win presidential election  Southern states leave the U.S.

I hope this could be helpful.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing the English Civil War and the French Revolution
Comparing the English Civil War and the French Revolution
Topic: Comparing the English Civil War and the French Revolution
The English Civil War and the French Revolution were some of the events that shaped history in the 18th century.
The English Civil war had far reaching effects on the British people and culminated in the beheading of Prince Charles I.
The French Revolution also changed France and the world at large.
Thesis Statement: Although the English Civil war and the French Revolution took place at different time periods and at different times, they had almost identical social, political and economic effects to the people and the government of the day.
Political Effects
The feudal system that had been in place for almost two centuries was destroyed and a new system of governance emerged.
The execution of Charles I left a political vacuum
Economic Effects
The continued piracy in the high seas as well as the renaissance of the Dutch disrupted shipping thus crippling trading in the region
The Napoleonic wars that came after the revolution also made trade between France and America impossible
Social Effects
After the French Revolution, the gap between the rich and the poor became even wider thus leading to a period of social unrest
The disintegration of the Church Discipline that had ensured social discipline also led people to start criticizing the ruling elite something that had not happened before.
The French Revolution and the English Civil War had great similarities
Restatement of Thesis: Although the English Civil war and the French Revolution took place at different time periods and at different times, they had almost identical social, political and economic effects to the people and the government of the day.
Comparing the English Civil War and the French Revolution
The English Civil War and the French Revolution were some of the events that shaped history in the 18th century. These two wars were waged by people from the lower social class against the capitalists of the day. The English Civil war had far reaching effects on the British people and culminated in the beheading of the king. This was the same case with the French Revolution that completely changed the France and the world at large. Although the English Civil war and the French Revolution took place at different time periods and at different times, they had almost identical social, political and economic effects to the people and the government of the day.
One of the effects of both the French Revolution and the English Civil War is that it brought a political crisis in the two nations. On one side, the radicalization of the French Revolution led to what later came to be known as the Terror. This was a period of intense political instability whose climax was the death sentence of Robespierre and Saint-Just in mid-1974. The execution of these two notable figures brought about relative stability in the region but the democratic government that had been in place was soon replaced by a military rule under Napoleon Bonaparte. In the period after the execution of Robespierre, the young general Bonaparte had established himself as an austere military leader and statesman and he later used this influence to dominate the land. According to Acemoglu, Cantoni, Johnson, & Robinson, (2009), “the Consulate soon became personal rule by Napoleon, who initially engineered his election as First consul in November 1799 with the coup of the 18th of Brumaire and then declared himself emperor in 1804.” Napoleon’s actions were just a reflection of the political problems that had been created by the French Revolution.
The political problem that was created by the French Revolution was also evident in Britain after the English civil War. On one side, the struggle that culminated in the putting to death of Charles I solved one problem but created a host of others. The biggest political challenge was on who was supposed to take the throne after the death of Prince Charles I. After the War, Cromwell who was the most politically dominant figure by 1650 came up wit...
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