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Bilateral Kinship and Unilineal Descent Groups and the Strategies for Acquiring Food

Essay Instructions:

I just want to know anyone who have book:

"Perspectives: An Open Invitation To Cultural Anthropology" Edited by Nina Brown, Thomas Mcilwraith, Laura Tubelle De Gonzalez. Second Edition.

If you have book that is great! Chapter 8-12.

If not, then try in Google Scholar.


*You go look into Zoom Recorded PowerPoint Lecture for Writing Assignment 2-DUE May 13th, 2021 and *Noted Transcripted By Lecture live transcription


ANTH 101, Spring 2021

Writing Assignment 2-DUE May 13th, 2021

Instructions (READ CAREFULLY): Take home writing assignment is worth 20 points.

BETTER BOTH OF THEM of the following two essay questions to answer.

-Each essay response should be no shorter than 1 page and no longer than 2 pages (2-4 pages total if responding to two questions). Responses should be typed, double spaced, times new roman, 12pt. font, 1 inch margins on all sides. If you are having trouble fitting it all on 2 pages, you can drop down to 1.5 line spacing.

-The responses will be graded on the following scale, 3 points for coherence (proofread your responses before submitting them!), 12 points for factual content (have you correctly answered the questions?), 5 points for completeness (have you answered the entire question?).

-Each question contains several smaller related questions. All of these smaller questions must be addressed in your response to receive full credit. Hint: Consider organizing your responses into paragraphs that each respond to different parts of the question.

-There should be no direct quotations in the responses. All responses should be in your own words! ALL RESPONSES ARE AUTOMATTICALLY CHECKED FOR INSTANCES OF PLAGIARISM WITH TURNITIN.

-Do not rewrite the question in your response; simply number your responses to indicate which question you are answering.

-Hint: Consider using real-world and/or hypothetical examples to clarify your response.

-You will submit your responses online via Blackboard. You can write your response with word processing software. If you do, make sure to SAVE FILE AS A .PDF OR .DOC (Pages format does NOT work), and then upload your response under the “Writing Assignment 2” section.

-Responses must be submitted by 11:59 pm, Thursday, May 13th, 2021. Assignments turned in late will have points deducted for each day it is late.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: Those students that are interested in earning extra credit, you may answer the other question as well. All of the same criteria apply to the extra credit response as do the required response. The only difference is that the extra credit essay is only worth 10 points. Make sure to write “Extra Credit” on the first line of your response to differentiate from your main credit response.


Respond to any 1 of the following questions. Respond to the other as well for extra credit.

1. Discuss the differences between bilateral kinship systems and unilineal (matrilineal and patrilineal) descent groups. What are some ways that these systems relate to different economic systems, marriage practices, and post-marital residence patterns (matrilocal, patrilocal, and neolocal), as seen for example in ‘Masai Women’? Finally, discuss the role of bilateral descent systems and nuclear families in our society as they relate to our economy. What aspects of our culture contribute to ideas about marriage, family, and kinship?

2. Discuss the transition from “food foraging” (an immediate-return system) to “food production” (a delayed-return system) and the four modes of subsistence associated with these different strategies for acquiring food. What are some of the processes involved in the origins of agriculture and the social/cultural implications of shifting toward “food-production” in terms of mobility, technology, health and resource management? In order to answer this question completely, you must discuss the specific modes of subsistence, as well as several social implications, making sure to explain why each implication is tied to food production.

Note: (Due 12 hours because I have class tomorrow morning and I want to have early submit in before class in the morning)(THANK YOU VERY MUCH)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Elements of Social Organization
Part 1
The Kinship system is a recognized pattern of cultural relationships among family members. There are two types of kinship systems; unilineal and bilateral descent groups. Bilateral descent groups depend on the descent from both the mother and the father’s side. Unilineal, on the other hand, is a descent through one side of the family. If the descent is through the maternal side of the relationship between children and mothers, it is referred to as matrilineal descent. On the other hand, Patrilineal descent involves the paternal side of the family between children and fathers.
In most cases, marriage practices are associated with bridewealth and Dowry. Bridewealth is a higher value placed on men depending on their ability to produce children and work. It involves the man’s family exchanging valuables with his new wife’s family. This practice is common, especially for pastoralist communities like the Masai in Kenya and Tanzania. The Masai pay their bridewealth depending on the woman’s desirability. The bridewealth s like a token and not necessarily an economic contribution. On the other hand, Dowry is a gift by the bride’s family to the groom or the bride during the marriage. Dowry was culturally associated with an upper economic hand, and it helped ease the tension when the bride arrived in the household.
Post-marital residence are places where the newly-wedded should live. They may live separately from their families to be independent and focus on their marriage (neolocal residence). New couples may also decide to reside with the family of the husband’s father (patrilocal residence) or with the family of the wife’s mother (matrilocal residence).
Bilateral descent is dominant in production modes, especially while focusing on nuclear families. Bilateral descent provides people with many relatives if they can keep track of them. In this case, relatives are considered an economic support system. On the other hand, a successful nuclear family gives children consistent caretaking. Children with both consistency and stability in their lives are likely to earn good school grades, show some positive behaviour, and be more involved in extracurricular and community activities.
Culture tends to influence an individual’s expectations and perceptions regarding marriage, family, and kinship. According to anthropologists, there are various cross-cultural families categorized in Kinship systems. Some cultures may create kinship through one side of th...
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