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American History Through Music: Lyrics Of Bob Dylan

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According to the sources, pick any 4 and write an essay in 4 paragraphs (Every paragraph one source)

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American History through Music
American History through Music
The protest lyrics of Bob Dylan convey the message and the extent of racism and discrimination in the American society. After the world wars events and assignation of J F Kennedy, racism and discrimination were the greatest challenges in the American history. The impartial and selective application of justice was the toughest huddle to overturn in the American society. It took Dylan boldly steps to release a song which would later bear sanity and fair treatment of all the Americans society. According to Bob Dylan, the poet question number of roads must a man walks down before obtaining respects and dignity for human life. Moreover, the poet wonders about how many times a man must look up before seeing the sky. Certainly, the majority of Americans people perceived as immigrants suffered from their colleagues. The black man had no say or hope about their future (Dylan, 1985). People were suffering, deaths were witnessed, yet all these could not convey a strong message about the frustrations of African-Americans. The poet, however, acknowledged the dispensation of justice to everybody. Dylan concludes by stating that no situation is permanent. Even the mountain can never exist forever.
The Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire is another significant protest song which defined the American society. The song described the worsening situation of American Society when the racial tensions were rising. Its lyrics predicted the devastating bleaks about the contemporary events. Certainly, the United States was gearing toward an apocalypse. The songster described great unraveling of the American's social cohesion. The black people in the society were the victims of violence. The American institutions which were supposed to protect human rights were subjective (McGuire et al., 1984). Many people notably, the blacks lost their hopes and became less optimistic about their future. The eve of destruction described in details the dangers when leaders refuse to follow and adhere to the accolades of the constitutions.
The American history is not well defined without Ronald Reagan, Campaign Speech, 1966. The speech dwelled on the America's 52 hostages. Reagan wanted nothing other than the safe return of these detainees. He hoped that they would be back to reunite with their families after being in prison for over one year. Upon the release, Reagan believed that they would all be united to define the course and fate of their country for the next four years of his administration. Reagan expected hoped for a transformed economy which could accommodate everybody. He was worried about the worsening economic problems in the America. Most importantly, the American prestige is diminishing with time. Conversely, the national security was a great challenge (Ritter, 1968). The speech demonstrated the compromising American history in the 1960s. The generation of today should appreciate the need and importance of good leadership in realizing the economy of the country. Though the American economy is currently amongst the best in the world, however, the continued quest for good leadership as stated by Ronald Reagan is inevitable.
The last song that speaks volumes...
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