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YMCA Sub-Maximal Cycle Ergometer Test (YMCA) for Six-Week Exercise Program

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Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Assessment Task 2: Written Health Assessment & Program Start
Case Study 1 – Sarah Allen
Sarah Allen
Age (years): 21
Sex: Female
Height (cm): 161
Body mass (kg): 73
Sarah Allen: A case study for YMCA Cycle Test
The YMCA Sub-Maximal Cycle Ergometer Test (YMCA) is a submaximal cycle ergometer aerobic fitness test. It is derived from subject’s or individual’s heart rate response to several submaximal workloads (Jamnick et al.,2016). It is used to predict what workload, and therefore VO2max, which individual would attain if he/she continues until their maximum heart rate. A person’s maximum capacity to extract, transport, and utilize oxygen is defined by VO2 max. Diverse physiological factors can determine an individual's maximal oxygen consumption, such as pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular systems. The central and peripheral blood flow, metabolism of their active muscles and ventilation-aeration efficiency of these systems can determine a person maximal oxygen consumption, thereby, VO2 max. Six factors often determine a person’s maximal aerobic power, including state of training, heredity, gender, body size and composition, age, and the mode of the exercise (Carter, Brooks & Sparks,2011). an individual’s VO2 max is a standard of assessing his/her cardio-respiratory endurance. A low VO2 max is associated with premature death and chronic diseases, while a high VO2 max is associated with less risk of developing chronic diseases. The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is the most significant predictor for all-cause mortality (Jamnick et al.,2016).
Calculation of Sarah Allen’s predicated VO2max and comparison with normative data.
Formular =HRmax = 207 - 0.7(age), given that Sarah’ age is 21
207 - 0.7(21)
207 – 14.7=192.3
Thus, Sarah’s HRmax is 192bpm
Calculate 85% of HRmax
0.85 multiply with 192 is 163
85% HRmax = 163 bpm for Sarah
y = heart rate (bpm)
Sarah’s HR max = 192
x = work rate (kgm.min-1)
Need to solve for x to get work rate
y = 0.1133X + 54
Thus X=138 = 0.1133x 138/0.1133 = x 1218 kgm.min-1 = X
VO2max is calculated by 7+1.8(workload at HR max) divided by body weight
Given that Sarah body mass (kg) is 73
Thus, 7+1.8(1218 kgm.min-1 = x) divided by 73
=7+2192.4 divided by 73
Thus, sarah’s VO2max = 30.0 mL.kg-1/min
Can be compared to normative data as below
Thus, sarah’s VO2max = 30.0 mL.kg-1/min falls within an excellent category on age-adjusted standards.
Six-Week Exercise Program for Sarah
The health status of subject should be assessed before being subjected to physical exercise. Sarah is healthy based on the parameters of heath assessment presented. The six-week cardiorespiratory program aims to improve Sarah's aerobic capacity, aspects of anaerobic capacity, agility, enhancing muscular endurance, increasing flexibility, muscular power and strength, and maintaining appropriate body weight. The program has two days of rest each week. Each round or set of activities is followed by 3 minutes rest before the beginning of another event. At the start and end of each physical exercise training day, there are 10-20 minutes of warm-up and cool-down activities. Warm-ups should last for 5-10 minutes, but the more intense the activity, the longer the warm-up duration. Warming-up prior to exercise is crucial for optimum performance because warm-up evokes temperature, metabolic, neural and psychology-related effects, which enhance increased anaerobic metabolism, increased oxygen utilization kinetics and post-activation potentiation (McGowan et al.,2015). The core warm arm activities include arm reach, stretch, jogging, side reach, knee lift, lateral lunges, squats with reach, and jumping jack. Cooling down exercises are easy to do activities done after a more intense workout. Cooling down activities allow the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state each training day. A cool-down activity involves voluntary, low-to-moderate-intensity exercise or movement performed carried out within one hour after the training session (Schumacher, 2021). Finally, it should be noted that athletes such as Sarah should take food with adequate nutritional requirements.
In Sarah’s six-week training program, there shall be:
Ten minutes of warm activity: any three of these arms reaches, stretch, jogging, side reach, knee lift, lateral lunges, squats with reach, and jumping jack.
Ten minutes of Cooling down activity: any of the three of these: Jogging or walking, upper body stretch, knee-to-chest Pose, seated Forward Bend, Knee-to-Chest Pose, Child's Pose and Reclining Butterfly Pose.









Weight training-3 rounds (rest 6min between rounds and 10 reps of each activity)
Category one: Bench press, back squat, leg curl
Category two
biceps, triceps curl, pectoralis
Category three
standing calf, clean jerk, leg extension

20 min run
40 squats
20 lunges
30 sit-ups
40 pushups
Jumping rope 5 min
30 bicep curls

10-minute Run
Weight training-3 rounds (rest 6min between rounds and 10 reps of each activity)
Category one:
Bench press, back squat, leg curl
Category two
biceps, triceps curl, pectoralis
Category three
standing calf, clean jerk, leg extension

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