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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Visual Processing Stream and the Corrective Lenses

Essay Instructions:

In 500 words or less, answer the following questions:

• Briefly describe the visual processing stream, including how vision starts from light energy to how it is transduced into energy and lands in the occipital cortex.

• Then, answer the following questions:

o Do you wear corrective lenses? If so, for what vision problem?

o Whether you currently wear corrective lenses or not, how do you expect your vision will change as you age?

o How can corrective lenses correct any vision errors, now or in the future?

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Every animal holds a certain mechanism that enables them to observe their surroundings. Sight is an extremely specialized approach that most animals utilize for navigating their surroundings. Vision is the distinct sense of sight grounded on the transduction of light stimuli obtained via the eyes. Vision is also compound and more influential than modern supercomputers. This sight process involving signals in the form of light passing through the retina and being processed in the brain is yet to be understood fully. This paper analyzes the visual processing stream, how aging impacts vision, and how corrective lenses help correct vision errors.

The visual process commences by comparing the amount of light striking a tiny part of the retina with the amount of nearby light. The light image is mapped on the retina surface by activating rods and cones. Afterward, the visual data from the retina is transmitted via the lateral geniculate thalamus nucleus to the primary visual cortex. The cones and rods then change the light into electrical impulses, which are transmitted to the brain through nerve fibers. The brain is then responsible for creati

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