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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Reflective Practice: Using LEARN in Nursing Care

Essay Instructions:
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Take a moment to look back, play back your experience in your head (as a
movie) and think about every detail from your experience in the clinic during this
Elaborate in writing what happened, what you were experiencing, in detail,
(i.e.: what you thought, felt, did during the clinical learning experience?)
(Two Paragraphs):
Following the normal routines in the nursing home was a straight forward affair, as one was assigned his own patient. However, in this experience my partner and I helped to wash a patient after giving us the permission to do so. My partner informed me that the patient was independent and hence we would help her to go the washroom I was skeptical about this because this ought to have happened when the psw is there, and the school does not allow us to transfer patients.
At the moment I felt that choosing the best course of action would improve on patient health and safety was paramount. Nonetheless, there are mixed emotions, where on one hand I wanted to help wash the patient, but I had two options washing the patient on her bed and washrooms were the only available. Even though, I agreed to take the patient to the washroom I felt that this was a wrong transfer, but then again this was not my patient.
Analyze – what influenced the experience, what made things happen as they
(One Paragraph):
The experience was influenced by the need to obtain client consent in nursing care and the need to adhere to rules. There was a dilemma on whether to go on and wash the patient in the washroom, despite the restrictions placed on transferring patients. The patient maintained her independency, and since the patient was under the care of my partner I decided to carry on washing in the washroom instead of washing on the bed.
What was positive about the experience? What was negative about the
experience? What did you find interesting about the experience? Were there
any differences between what you thought would happen and what actually
(One Paragraph):
Through the experience I was able to explain to the patient on the decision, and since she agreed the experience turned out positive for me. This experience also had a negative aspect as I did not follow the school policy, which I cannot transf...
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