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Assignment Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

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I worked on a adult crisis care unit as a psychiatrist nurse. I would like to add on the informal teaching presentation some focus on psych/ substance abuse patient how the nurses only focusing on they mental illness and not medical relating issues sometime they could have .

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Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
Many countries around the globe are distinguished mainly through development achievement. Some of these developments include the transportation sector, education and mostly through the health care system. There has been a common trend where patients in underdeveloped countries fly to other countries in search for better treatment. In a way, this is may prove to be a disadvantage in families that do not have enough money to cater for the treatment. This leads to additional stress in the households in addition to organizing countless fundraisers in an attempt to raise the required amount. In other cases, some hospitals especially the ones under private ownership are costly. This makes it difficult for people in the lower class to access better health care services. The United States is among the many countries taking the initiative to modernize the current health care system. Although this will create more job opportunities in the community, there will be fewer jobs available in acute care hospitals. This essay discusses the evolving practice of nursing and patient care delivery models.
Change especially in the health care system is inevitable. It is important to keep in mind the diversity of nurses in ensuring proper access to health care. The reason for this is that most of the people paid less attention to in the nursing profession include people with African American natives, men, and most Asians. The proportion of non-white registered nurses has increased from 20- 25% over the past decade while the that of men in the registered nurses’ workforce has increased by about a percentage and is currently at 9% (Rasouli et al.,2015). In the nursing community, experts agree that higher level in education and training offer the ability to provide high-quality services to the patients in question.
Continuum of care involves healthcare delivery over some time. Many people may define the care to be given from birth to the time of death. In simple term...
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