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Nursing Process for PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease)

Essay Instructions:
M2A2: Short paper: Nursing Process for PVD. Instructions Mr. William Sharpe is a 70 year old who transferred from the intensive care unit to the post-surgical unit following an abdominal aortic repair performed two days ago. As the receiving nurse, you receive the following report (or hand off). For this learning activity, you are assigned to develop a nursing care plan based on the transfer information provided above. Given both the SBAR and the Nursing Process rubric as a guide to the number of nursing diagnoses and interventions, develop a plan that includes the following: -One nursing diagnostic statement that represents a priority health problem for the patient . -One measurable outcome for the nursing diagnostic label . -Four nursing interventions that will meet the identified patient health need . -Criteria that evaluates the patient outcome has been met . The paper should be no longer than two pages in length. Use a 12 font size and double space your work. Submit your assignment to the drop box. I submitted some information via attachments. The rubics is a guide to assist in what is expected and the SBAR is the information to use to create a Careplan. The Mosby Nursing Diagnosis is the best reference guide and can be used as the reference. Thanks for your help and support. Every week I will have either an essay or a topic to send you all and then I will send you other people responses about the topic and ask you all to look at what they say and determine if you agree with what they said or disagree and if you agree or disagree explain why you agree or disagree. This is every week. Thanks again!!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nursing Process for PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease) Name: Instructor: Date of submission This is a medical report of William Sharpe a male patient who is seventy years old weighing 72.6 kilograms and 70 inches tall with a body mass index of 22.9. He was booked in the clinic two days ago in room number 520. He is a married man who confesses the Hindu religion and is in the company of his wife. The patient has had a medical history of hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia and has been smoking for the last 30 years. In addition, the patient undergoes a skin test after every 8 hours and is able to rise from a chair in a single movement. This therefore made the following tests to be done to diagnose the patient. A cardiovascular test showed the following: BP 110/80; Pulse 76 regular; Pedal pulses strong/equal, toes warm, cap refill less than 3 seconds, movement and sensation present in feet. A respiratory test on the other side showed the following results: respiratory rate 24; breath sounds crackles at bases; small amount white sputum; Pulse oximetry 94% on room air. The patient was also found to be having no problem mentally and a genitourinary test showed he had clear yellow urine with an appetite of eating half lunch tray. He has a stable vital sign with pain at 2 to 8 on 0 to 10 verbal scale relieved by hydrocodone 5 mg every 4 to 6 hours. It is after the above tests that the patient was diagnosed to be having an abdominal aortic aneurysm. A “stomach trouble” 7cm aortic aneurysm found on a CT scan made the patient to be admitted. In the following page is a nurse care plan to ensure the patient recovers in time. Nursing Care Plan Form Student Name: Date: Patient Identifier: Patient Medical Diagnosis: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Nursing Diagnosis (use PES/PE format): Assessment Data (Include at least three-five (subjective –is what the patient states and/or objective—is what is observed ) pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis)Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis. Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; time-specific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least four nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.)Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/therapeutic; provide references.)Outcome Evaluation & Replanning (Was goal met? If so how was it met1.Abdominal discomfort 2.Acute pain and local tenderness in the abdomen 3.Easyfatigability,nausea,vomiting and generalized body malaise Statement #1 History of bacterial infections e.g. syphilis. And familial history of congenital aortic aneurysms Within one hour, pain to be reduced by administering the antibiotics. After the medication, the patient was...
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