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Messages About Sexuality You Got From Your Family Caregiver

Essay Instructions:

1.Think back on you learned about sexuality, which includes the development of the body, reproduction, desire, love, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, STDs and sexual assault. Reference the first class lecture & first chapter of the Class Reader for the full list. How did you learn about those issues growing up? Talk specifically about the effects of your parents/family, your friends, your school, and the media as a child or teen. Include one more sources of sexual info of your choice, such as your culture, religion, your first romantic / sexual relationship or one of your choosing. Include a specific story or event for each of these sources. Include an analysis of how the event made you feel. Discuss what long term effect the event has on you now as an adult sexual being.

Structure your paper by numbering 1-5 for each of your sources of sexuality info and then sections A: the event/story, B: your feelings about the event, & C: long term effect for each source. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph for EACH section (A, B, & C) of EACH source (each source of sexuality info will have 3 paragraphs). You will have a total of 15 short paragraphs for this paper.

The paper should be 4 full pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins all around

Check the detailed grading rubric in the above link.

2. How I Learned About Sexuality Reflection Paper

What topics in sexuality can I write about?

Sexuality can include:

o Body image,

o Attraction & desire,

o Pleasure,

o Love & relationships,

o Dating & marriage,

o Puberty,

o Masturbation,

o Sex,

o Reproduction,

o Birth control,

o STDs,

o Sexual orientation,

o Gender identity & stereotypes,

o Boundaries,

o Rape and sexual assault,

o Sexual abuse,

o And more….

Can I respond in the first person (using "I" or "me") in my paper?

Yes, because you will be incorporating your own personal experiences into the paper, it's much more natural to write using I or me.

Do I need to cite any sources for the sexuality paper?

Citations are not necessary for your first paper. If you wish to include lecture material or reading material, that would be OK as well. If you have citations, please cite using APA format.

What is a Zeus form that we have to turn in with our papers?

A Zeus form is a type of scantron form used for testing. for paper, we use it as a receipt that you turned one in. For exams, you will be using the same type of form for your midterm and final exams. It's a full page white sheet with green ink and the bubbles that you fill in with your #2 pencil. They can be purchased from the bookstore. You will need a total of 6 Zeus forms for this class, 2 for each of your exams and 4 for each of your essays.

I couldn’t make it to class on the day the paper’s due, can I put it in your mailbox or slip it under your office door?

No, papers are only accepted during class time. If you cannot make it to class, hold onto your paper till the next class. 10% will be deducted for each class meeting that it’s late. If you know ahead of time you can’t make it to class on a paper due date, have someone turn it in for you or turn it in early. You must turn the paper in to either me or one of my TAs.

What should the heading of my paper include?

Very simple: your initials, your full SFSU ID #, HED 320, Fall 2018


Initials, ID #

HED 320, Fall 2018


Start your essay here - blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. ....................

3. The article is requested in the attachment. This article has a total of 40 points, and you can write about 32 points. The score ratio is presented in the attachment.

4. Please help me with the title of the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

HED 320, Fall 2018
1.) Messages about sexuality you got from your Family/Caregiver
A. The story
I once asked my parents where babies come from. They looked at each other and kept quiet but I kept asking them. My dad told me mothers go to the hospital where they are queue and take one baby and go. When I asked who brings the babies there, he calmly said, ‘Santa.’
B.How it made me feel about.
Honestly, it did not change anything in my life at the moment. But as I grew older and came to know the human reproduction process, I felt embarrassed about the whole thing. Ever since, when I have questions on sexuality I rather research on them online than ask anyone especially a family member. I developed distrust on asking adults on sexuality matters because I think they are embarrassed to talk about it. I would rather discover it on my own.
C. The long-term effects of that event
At times I do not understand why my father lied to me. He would have explained it to me in a way I would understand. I often find myself wondering what I would tell my kids if they ever asked me the same question because I do not wish to lie to them and I would like them to understand. To some point, I usually feel I am also justified to lie to him though I came to learn that children can lie if they know their parents also lied CITATION Sar13 \l 1033 (Gonser, 2013) and I tried to move away from it. Like mentioned above, I still feel embarrassed about the whole thing and mostly rather than asking anyone about sexuality, I research online.
2. Messages about sexuality you got from your Friends / Classmates
A. The story
One day as we were watching Neil Patrick Harris, I learnt that he was gay and he had two biological children with his partner. To me the concept was very confusing and I vowed to learn how it happened. I researched online and found that they had fathered children through surrogates with his husband CITATION The15 \l 1033 (The People, 2015). The concept drew me further to learn how gay people can have normal families and how surrogacy works.
B. How it made me feel about.
The event was confusing to me. It had never crossed my mind that gay men can have their own biological children if they ever wished. It also fumbled me on the process because I have shallow knowledge on how that could be done. In the end, I came to appreciate how technology has helped people to live their dreams irrespective of their sexual orientation.
C. The long-term effects of that event
When I look back on what I learnt from that day, I appreciate what I have learnt about our different sexual orientations and the possibility of living a normal life irrespective of your sexual orientation. I now don’t see sexual orientation as stumbling block towards having a family with biological children. I also enlighten other people on homosexuality and why it should not be stigmatized or be perceived as a problem.
3.) Source #3: Messages about sexuality you got from your School
A. The story
We once covered a topic on reproduction on a sex ed session when I was in 5th grade. Our science teacher explained about the process of fertilization, gestation and birth. The teacher also taught us on male and female reproductive organs and the basic differences of our anatomy. We asked a lot of questions and eventually all the questions I had on reproduction were answered and thing...
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