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The Honorable Congressional Letter

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer.

This is for Congressional Letter based on our big paper of Bioethical Issue Paper.

You just need to make one page of new policy letter suggestion by utilizing our paper of issue of buying and selling organ. You can write a letter by modifying a current Act or Bill or by making a new Bill or Act by suggesting a new idea.

"Bioethical Issue Advocacy Presentation and Congressional Letter"

Description:Each student is to present a brief summary of their paper and advocacy recommendations at the end of the semester (10-15 minutes). This should include:

• Context for the bioethical issue (the who, where, what, and why)

• Current and controversial policy surrounding the issue

• Position of professional healthcare organization(s) on this issue/policy

• Evidence for or against this policy

• Relevant ethical principles or theories

• Your professional recommendations for policy change

• Advocating these recommendations in the form of a one-page letter, or one page ask directed toward a political figure involved in the policy

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date The Honorable Office Address United States Senate / House of Representatives City, State, Zip Dear Senator / Representative It is a great pleasure to write to you. In doing so, I urge you to consider amending the national Organ Transplant Act (NATO) of 1984 to make it legal for Americans to sell and purchase organs and tissues. At present, this act makes it illegal for Americans to sell or purchase organs and tissues for transplantation. It is grounded in the Uniform Anatomical Gift (UAGA) of 1968 that equally dictates the processes of organ donation. I believe that there is much to be gained through the legalization of this organ selling and purchasing. Below are some of the gains that stand to be made in legalizing the sale and purchase of organs. * A mitigation of the activities of the organ and tissue black market * According to the American Transplant Organization, there are approximately 115,000 people on organ waiting lists and roughly 33 Americans die daily from the lack of available organs for transplantation. * Legalizing sale and purchase of organs will help save thes...
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