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Critical Thinking Questions Essay

Essay Instructions:

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Explain what Mucor is and how a patient is likely to become infected with Mucor. Describe the pathophysiologic progression of the infection into pneumonia and at least two medical/nursing interventions that would be helpful in treating the patient.

2. Examine the laboratory blood test results and arterial blood gases provided in "Discussion Question Resource: Laboratory Blood Test Results." What laboratory values are considered abnormal? Explain each abnormality and discuss the probable causes from a pathophysiologic perspective.

3. What medications and medical treatments are likely to be prescribed by the attending physician on this case? List at least three medications and three treatments. Provide rationale for each of the medications and treatments you suggest.

Laboratory Blood Test Results and Arterial Blood Gases:

Na 141 meq/L Mg 1.7 mg/dL pH 7.50

K 4.5 meq/L PO4 2.9 mg/dL PaO2 59 mm Hg on room air

Cl 105 meq/L Glu, fasting 138 mg/dL PaCO2 25 mm Hg

HCO3 29 meq/L Hb 13.7 g/dL

BUN 16 mg/dL Hct 39.4%

Cr 0.9 mg/dL WBC 15,200/mm³

Ca 8.7 mg/dL Lymphocytes 10% 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health and Medicine

Question 1
Mucor is a life-threatening microbial genus that is mostly found in soils, animal’s digestive systems, plant surfaces and on the rotten vegetables. Mucor is commonly known for being causative to two major infections in human beings that depend on the means of exposure. These are: the pulmonary exposure and cutaneous exposure. The pulmonary exposure results after inhaling fungi spores from ones environment. These spores trigger an infection that develops within lungs, eyes and face. In the cutaneous exposure, the fungal spores enter the body through cuts or wounds on the skin (Fein, 2006).
Mucormycosis is a sporadic infection that origins from Mucoromycotina fungi commonly found in the decaying matters. This infection mostly targets immune-compromised patients. Moreover, this infection is spreading at a faster rate in human beings with health history of diabetes mellitus, cancer and the transplantation of organs. The pathophysiological progression of mucormycosis is increasing at higher rate despites intensive therapy treatments that are provided to the patients’ prevalence with this condition. For instance, there is higher susceptibility with persons who inhales the fungal-mucor. These people end up contracting pneumonia. The mucor fungi penetrate the walls of the alveoli, through the air sacs and then spread to the entire cells that are involved in the breathing mechanism. The lungs are deemed ineffective; inflammation of the immune systems occurs hence fluids in the immune system leaks into the air cells and alveoli (Marini & Wheeler, 2010). Consequently, the victims develop fever, fatigue and chilling, which are the major symptoms of pneumonia. As a result, it is very important to diagnose this disease in early stages particularly in children in order to reduce rates of spreading. In extreme cases, the community-pneumonia can trigger aggressive mortality in the society.
Medical interventions in treating patients includes supplying oxygen to persons with ill-health conditions on top of providing appropriate medications based on the doctor’s prescription. Still, patients are subjected to aggressive therapy such as controlling the level of iron in the...
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