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Data Manipulation: Tuvalu Of Time Vs. Population

Essay Instructions:

Please do the decision making part of the project. Use IEEE citation format.

All the sources that I have in the file. The writing do not need too advanced. Just write it simply.


This project allows your team to customize the data subsets you are working with and the analysis that you complete. You will be using MATLAB as a tool to help process, visualize and interpret this data. Each team’s submission will be different in the coding needed for analysis of their data. Your team will need to generate script files that use the coding techniques taught in this module (loops, decisions, input, output, etc.). Once your coding is complete, this section of the report will include a description (~1 page) of what you did in your codes and WHY you chose the approaches used. While both of your programs may not include all of the elements learned, at least one paragraph should describe how your team used MATLAB for data manipulation and at least one paragraph on data analysis. Each of your codes should use at least one while loop and one selection structure. Each code should use these structures differently.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Data Manipulation We used data from Tuvalu of time vs. population. This data was processed using R, which is an effective and most powerful way to obtain accurate data. This tool also helped us analyze the effectiveness of the data at every single process. With R, we first scraped the given data, made static graphics, and then explored the potential for making professional maps and charts. As far as the coding is concerned, there was a fairly big overlap between the annual growth, so we had to divide the portion of data to be coded into two phases. The first phase consisted of different coding processes that ranged in magnitude from one word to the full sentence to the entire page of text. The second phase consisted of different portions of codes. Although MATLAB is suitable for numerical computing, we used an optional toolbox along with the MuPAD symbolic engine to access its symbolic computing abilities. We also used Simulink fo...
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