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About your volunteer community service experience Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discovery Civics Journal Entry 1

Write a 2 page, double-spaced, TNR font essay inclusive of responses to the following:

Why would you like to conduct your community service experience at the location you’ve selected?

What do you know about the agency, organization, or institution at which you will provide community service?

What are the potential benefits for participants of community service?

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Journal Entry 2

Write a 2 page, double-spaced, TNR font essay inclusive of responses to the following:

Describe your first impression of the physical environment of the agency, institution, or organization at which you are volunteering.

Where is it located? What are the dimensions of the overall space? What are the dimensions of the space in which you are working?

Describe your first day of community service in detail. What did you do?

What did you appreciate about the experience?

Journal Entry 3

Write a 2 page, double-spaced, TNR font essay inclusive of responses to the following:

Describe your co-workers; what are/were their names (initials are good). What is/was your first impression of them; their personalities?

With which co-workers did you establish an engaging relationship? What did you like most about him/her? Describe the relationship.

Describe your supervisor; who is he/she (initials are good), what does he/she look like, weight, height, eye color, demeanor, memorable characteristics.

What was most memorable about those with whom you worked?

Please let me know, if the additional information/clarification is needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal entry 1-3 about your volunteer community service experience
Institutional Affiliation
Journal entry 1
I want to conduct my community service at the DC Tutoring &Mentoring Initiative organization (DCTMI) for various reasons. One, education has always been an area of interest in my life and engaging with this organization will satisfy my life. I believe that every child should have access to quality education and be able to read so that they can strive to succeed in the future. The DCTMI’s primary goal is to provide tutors and mentors to students struggling to understand above the grade level (DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative, 2018). Their goal aligns with my passion, thereby giving me the opportunity to advocate for it. Two, the organization has taken up the mandate of providing the much needed educational services to students struggling in their studies. As a member of the District of Colombia, I want to volunteer as a way of giving back to my district and increasing my awareness of the issues affecting kids who struggle to excel in their studies. Three, working in this organization will grow my experience of engaging with diverse groups of people thereby developing my interpersonal communication skills. The organization of my choice works in collaboration with forty organizations with numerous employees at different levels. Interacting with them on a daily basis will sharpen my interaction skills which will be essential for my career.
The DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative is a non-profit organization that works within the District of Colombia area with the aim of changing the community and empowering students. Located at 15th St. NW in Colombia Heights, the organization observes that two out of every three students in schools within the DC area struggle reading above the grade level (DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative, 2018). According to the organization, solving community issues requires the action of people living in that area. Thus, by working in collaboration with over forty organizations, it hopes to raise the reading levels of the over sixty-thousand students facing reading challenges. The vision of the institution is to provide tutors and mentors to all students struggling to read. It plans to achieve this by; recruiting as many volunteers as possible from universities, students’ institutions, and area members. The volunteers link up with elementary, middle and high schools where students read below grade level and act as their mentors and tutor them. Also, the volunteers participate in the recruitment of other volunteers, outreach programs and giving support to tutors and mentors (DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative, 2018).
Participants of community service reap several benefits. First, community service enhances a participant’s skills in solving problems. A community service assigns participant duties. To handle them, one has to develop ideas and solutions to handle them. Thus, such situations help build one’s ability to solve problems (Segal & Robinson, 2018, Sept). Second, community service improves the ability of a participant to work in a team. Individualism is a social concept that has become engraved in today’s society making social interactions problematic. However, community service changes this by organizing group projects which require people to interact. Hence, a participant learns how to deal with other people, respect their opinion, how to hold constructive and meaningful discussions and appreciate other people’s strength. Third, it helps students develop connections and meaning relationships with individuals, institutions and community organizations. The contacts can be useful in the future when one is looking for employment or a recommendation. Moreover, the community service helps students gain experience in working in today’s job market, which gives them an advantage when applying for jobs (Segal & Robinson, 2018, Sept).
Journal entry 2
My first impression of the DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative was that it was a pleasant and welcoming environment. Right as I walked through the gate, I met by an inviting security guard who welcomed me to the institution. I walked through clean pavements well- manicured green lawns on both sides which were pleasing to the eyes. Once I got it, the physical environment was welcoming. The institution has enhanced its appearances by posting pictures of children who have benefited from the program and their mentors, books shelves and paintings on the walls. The offices also have bright and freshly maintained colored walls, which creates a bright and attractive atmosphere. The working space is modified to help volunteers, and interns work together through the open quarter's system. The systems enable volunteers to share information back and forth and help each other whenever an issue arises.
The DC Tutoring and Mentoring Initiative organization is located at 2437 15th St. NW, Washington, District of Colombia. The organization’s overall space is about 900 t...
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