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Classroom Observations

Essay Instructions:
Okay here is what I'm needing. Just to let you know first of all this will be 4 separate pages. I need 4 different essays for my classroom observations which will be made up stuff. The classes that I need are First grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, and a special ED class. Make sure whatever you talk about that it lines up with these grades! Keep it simple to understand and talk about what you observed around the class room, the teacher and students. Just make it up but make it sound good. It really don't have to be in a essay form she said report telling what we observed. I hope you understand. Thank you
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Special ED Class
As part of my studies in high school, I was required to visit and evaluate different classes including special ED class. In this endeavour, I visited a neighbouring town school which had inclusive programs that were aimed at teaching students practical skills in writing, reading and mathematics.
The class I observed had four severely handicapped learners. Although two of them were able to walk, none of the four could talk very well. They also seemed to have poor eyesight. The class teacher informed me that one of the students who could not walk was quite brilliant. Although not able to speak, he employed sign language effectively in answering class questions. He also seemed to enjoy the learning program in the classes. Teachers employed special teaching techniques that were meant to make these students understand better; some of these efforts included holding the students hands to identify letters. This to me however, did not look very efficient as the students were turning away. Another student appeared troublesome in the class. The student seemed to be obsessed with a little pen he was holding. The teacher was bored with this student because he was reduced to taking a lot of time in controlling this student at the expense of the others. What surprised me was that the teacher did not use a one on one strategy to these students, a method which is believed to be efficient in such a case.
In this class, the daily schedule and programmes and state stipulations with regard to the educational needs of these students was displayed on the classroom wall. With regard to the assessment of these students, the teacher informed me that they are assessed independently using the independent education plan. This plan is re-evaluated annually by the state. There are also standard tests where a teacher evaluates each learner to find out their level of understanding.
The teacher informed me that the students are not supposed to be labelled as disabled students but as developmentally delayed. These students according to the teacher were found through the child find program, a program which was entirely new to me. In accordance to the website of child find, this project is a continuous process of creating public awareness, evaluations and screening through locating, identifying and referring disabled children and their families to special education programs.
Apart from teaching and learning activities, there are also other services offered to these students in this school, these services include: Occupational therapy, language and speech services, inclusive services, extra tests, quite learning and testing environment and extra tuition (before or after school). The teacher and her assistants utilize the common special education curriculum that is mandated by the state in the classroom lessons. She uses the open court project, read-play and learns program which is a specialized special ED play based curriculum. Changes to the curriculum are made occasionally to in order to meet the evolving needs of these students.
In general, the teacher’s work was commendable. She interacted professionally with this students; she asked them many questions, talked to these students in friendly tones and simple sentences, complemented them and also played music for them. She ensured that the students follow the schedule strictly and rules pertaining to how they conduct themselves in class, dining hall and even the play centres. Although she appeared to be firm with the students, she was neither arrogant nor physical to them. When other students showed indiscipline, the teacher did not yell at him but warned him gently.
Class room Observations
First Grade
In my classroom observation assignment, I also visited the first grade class. During the visit, I found the children to be very busy with their learning. They were going on with a project which they had been dealing with in their previous studies. Despite the presences of teachers, the pupils still make a lot of noise and the teachers do little to manage this. There were two teachers in the class, but at some interval, one of the teachers left, leaving the other to attend the children. Before the teachers had got together and discussed about the children. In most instances, the children work on their own though the teacher continue moving around to ensure each student concentrate on the assignments.
The children feel at ease when the teacher approaches them. They ask him questions with regard to their assignments and also seek her approval on the answers they had composed. There are five tables where the pupils are supposed to work, but a number of pupils choose to work on the floor instead, but the teacher seems not to care about that. The pupils do without seeking permission from the teacher, meaning that it was a common phenomenon in this class. There are three phases during the classroom period. The final phase is recession where the students go out to play for some minutes.
The transition from one phase to another appears swift, considering the ego of these first graders. The teacher interrupts the activities by playing a xylophone which is located just behind the classroom. Once she plays this, the pupils stop whatever they are doing and pay her attention. Once she gets their attention, the teacher exclaims “hands up, close your mouth”. At this point, the children raise their hands and keep mum; listening to what the teacher tells them.
The cleaning session appears more hectic than the rest of the activities. This is because the students make a lot of noise as they are going about their duties of cleaning. The teacher does not interfere with the students as they arrange the desks and tables. They are left to be managing the cleaning on their own. The children however understand what are they are supposed to do and how to carry out their duties. The students do their cleaning in an orderly manner and they are able to complete this assignment efficiently. Al l the cleaning requirements and supplies are located in the place where they are accessible by the students. As the students complete their cleaning assignment, they proceed to meet their teachers on the rear end of the classroom where they assemble in a circle. The teacher engages the students in a lively discussion. They get to discuss the various problems and issues surrounding their school and home environment. After this session, the students are enco...
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