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Smoking Cigarettes Is Bad Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

A simple English course essay. This is a Cause and effect type of essay. First paragraph need a hook, and the current smoking situation in this society.
Then write the cons of smoking, 1, 2, 3. Give 3 reason
Second paragraph and Third, Fourth paragraph write smoking is bad because... with 3 reason.
Fifth paragraph is a conclusion for those 3 reasons, make a call of quit smoking ending.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Smoking Cigarettes Is Bad
Smoking cigarettes is bad
We are all familiar with the slogans in public places that say" smoking is bad for health," it is a fact that smoking is a major concern because it causes numerous negative effects on people. Smoking is one of the dangerous habits more so for women and children because smoking leads to several complications (World Health Organization, 2013). There are numeral harmful health effects related to smoking. Even though the number of people smoking is increasing every day, smoking is not only a health hazard but also affects the environment and the country's economy.
Medical expert reveals that smoking is bad because smoking affects not only the person smoking, but also other people around him, the World Health Organization highlights several health problems caused by smoking including asthma, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases. Smoking is also associated with heart diseases. The WHO identifies more than 200 toxic chemicals found in tobacco that causes cancer these included nicotine, benzene and monoxide. The harmful chemicals affect the nervous system and blood vessel damaging mostly the heart (World Health Organization, 2013).
Smoking is bad because the tobacco effect caused by smoking affects our bodies immediately; the first process includes increased pulse, followed by labored breathing. Smokers to look older than their age because their blood vessels are affected, the vessels are partially blocked and calcified (World Health Organization, 2013). Smoke can easily move in the air affecting other people who do not smoke, meaning that smokers affect nonsmokers more so children since children have low immunity. Second-hand smoking causes negative effects on unborn babies. Vietnam is the most affected country where close to 60 percent of children under five years are at risk of acquiring diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis from smoke (World Health Organization, 2013).
Pregnant women exposed to cigarette smoke are at a higher risk of giving birth to abnormal babies. Smoke causes complication like detachment of the placenta, bleeding, and premature birth. Smoking affects not only the mother, but also the unborn baby. Nicotine affects the blood flow, reducing the amount of oxygen required by the baby. Inadequate oxygen affects the baby growth in the womb, increasing the chances of low-birth-rate (World Health Organization, 2013).
Smoking is bad because smoke affects our environment, tobacco manufacturers release harmful gasses into the air including toxic wastes. Harmful chemicals contaminate water, soil, and the air. In the US tobacco, manufacturing is the 10th toxic industry because tobacco manufacturers release more than 300kilograms of nicotine annuall...
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