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PS101 UK Citizenship: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instruction in attachment carefully especially the marked by red color and Grading Rubric. For another the Paper style is use standard format (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins). 
Here is the explanation for each agent(This essay will need to identify three agents of political socialization and pick up three of what you want from list)
Agent#1 Family: Shape your political opinion before you even realize you have been affected.
Agent#2 School: Taught what it means to be a good citizen and specific values to hold.
Agent#3 Groups: Select into groups that reinforce beliefs and pressure those who believe otherwise.
Agent#4 Religion: Often gives core values that shape political values even without direct endorsement. 
Agent#5 Media: Media acts as "gatekeeper" in providing information to public shapes how public view groups.
Agent#6 Events: Major events shape how individuals view government for years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The 2016 U.S presidential election is approaching, and the major political parties are doing everything to convince the electorate that they are the best option for them. Different candidates have different manifestos and campaign strategies that are meant to do the convincing. Candidates try to touch on delicate issues that affect the people of America directly so that they gain the upper hand. But their focus is not only on people, but they also target organizations to endorse them. Organizations endorse a candidate who shares their ideologies and policies while people prefer a certain candidate depending on various issues.
Different organizations with different policies endorse their preferred candidate after scrutinizing their manifestoes. If a presidential candidate has a political plan that shares the organization's policies, then that candidate is endorsed. Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, America's only Political Action Committee, and third largest activist group, has a mandate of fighting illegal immigration and amnesty. This organization endorsed Donald Trump as their preferred candidate in the 2016 U.S presidential election. William Gheen, who is the organization's president, said that the people who support Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are America's best hope for survival. He also said that he believes that Trump is the strongest anti-establishment candidate who has the best chance of overcoming the devious plans of the biased media and DC insiders that are desperate to stop the populist political revolt.
AS fighter of illegal immigration and amnesty, ALIPAC wants the removal of the incumbent Republicans who are aligned with Obama on amnesty for illegals. This endorsement comes with the hope that Trump will, as the current U.S laws and constitution require, deport all illegal alien in keeping his campaign promise. They are for trumps promise to build a substantial wall, decrease legal immigration levels and end Muslim resettlement program that they term dangerous. There is hope that Trump will also uphold the law that any illegal immigrants deported from America will be prohibited ten years for legal entry.
Another organization that endorsed Donald Trump for president is the National Black Republican Association. They said that they believed in a government that fosters the freedom and growth of individuals and businesses and that they are fiscally conservative and steadfastly pro-life just like Trump himself. (Ellefson, 2016) The blacks in America have always been the strong supporters of the Democrats for a long time, and the National Black Republican has a concern about this since for more than 60 years the blacks have not been benefited from the support.
They believe illegal immigration has caused high levels of black unemployed affecting mostly the black youths and Trump has promised to solve that issue. The black communities having been run by Democrats and their socialist policies for the past 60 years, the communities have been turned into wasteland socially and economically, and they believe the only person who can free them from the destructive socialist democrats is Trump. They urged the black Americans not to allow their vote to be taken for granted. Instead, they should control their destiny and stop voting by the label of the party. (Scot, 2016)
Fiorello LaGuardia GOP Club is another organization that endorsed Donald Trump for president. The club cited his stand against illegal immigration as the main reason they are supporting him for president of the United States. Chairman Arnaldo Ferraro said that trump's stand on issues impressed the leadership of the club. He said that the country would be affected positively by the issues that trump supported. (Katinas, 2016) The protection of boarder and American vete...
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