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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
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Journey to the Flames Creative Review Writing

Essay Instructions:

The film “Journey to the Flames” follows a group

of 20 somethings to the Nevada desert for the Burning

Man festival. This documentary chronicles roughly

20 years of alternative community experimentation

from 1998 to 2018, and highlights many of the most

significant public art pieces from the festival.

Imagine that you are running a newspaper. Your movie

reviewer, J. Hoberman, has been kidnapped. But a deadline

is a deadline and you need to publish a review of JOURNEY

TO THE FLAMES, but written just like J. Hoberman would

write it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journey to the Flames Review
Journey to the Flames Review
Journey to the Flames is a documentary film that centers on the Burning Man Festival that is usually carried out in Nevada. The film covers different events of the festival for a period of 2 years, starting from 1998 to 2018. Overall the movie is a nice tale of mystery in its description of actual events of a lost civilization. However, in areas such as character development, the film achieves very little in a way that makes it a bit hard to feel the violence depicted in the film and interact with the characters in an emotional way.
Journey to the flames is a great mystery tale that uses its big plot to capture the interest of the audience. When watching the film, it is not so easy to immediately tell what would be happening next due to the complexities surrounding the plot. This is a good thing since it means that an individual’s attention can be captured fully as he or she waits for the mystery to unfold. Nevertheless, this is not the case in all scenes as there are still many big twists that can be predicted easily.
Even though the mystery and rich plot capture people’s attention, the film’s character development manages to do the complete opposite. Given that the film has some characters used as the burners, it would have been nice to develop each of them individually in a way that makes it easy for them to be remembered and to understand their relationships with each other. In...
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