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1 pages/≈275 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Essay Instructions:

This is an essay used as a college application for senior high school students. The point is to show that I know the school very well and have a lot common with it. After you know this school, you can find a point to write my interest in that direction. I intend to study economics in college. You can find a program or a class that is unique in that school.

Please don't write about the advantage of geographical location or alumni resources. Find what is unique in that school. Ask me if you have any question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why I Decided to Apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison
As far as universities go, very few have the luxury of having reputations that precede them. One of these is the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As an institution, UW-Madison represents an elite learning facility that is committed to excellence and achieving an all-round campus experience for learners, which are values I relate with and cherish. Another one of the core issues that pushed me into applying to UW-Madison is the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in economics. A better variation of a B.A. in economics, this course offers advanced mathematics while only requiring students to complete the third unit of a foreign language.
In every way possible, I feel that this course will help me become a better economist in the future compared to a B.A. degree. Nonetheless, I fully understand that simply taking on a course is not enough to make...
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