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Understanding of Roleplaying

Essay Instructions:

1. Please watch "Tales of Creativity and Play" with Tim Brown: https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/tim_brown_tales_of_creativity_and_play?language=en#t-394349

2.I'd also like you to read excerpts from two foundational texts in the study of play. These have both been very influential as our current ways of studying play have developed within the ~70 years.

First, Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens (1938) (attached in file)(read page 1-27)discusses the importance of play in culture and society. It is perhaps most famous for the concept of the "magic circle" which divides play from other types of activities.

After reading the excerpt from Huizinga, read Roger Caillois' Man, Play, and Games (1958) (attached in file) (read page 3-31) which responds to Huizinga's work, trying to understand why play and games are important to human society from a sociological perspective. It is perhaps most famous for its categorization of play and games

Watch and read these materials, write summaries for each topics and answer these questions (choose 3 questions to answer):

What is this person saying about what play is? Do you agree?

What is this person saying about why humans play? Do you agree?

How is this person arguing for the study of play? Do you think play is worthy of study? (I hope so)

What kinds of play are discussed?

How do these ideas relate to games?

How does this scholarly article connect to your personal experience with play?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 2 Reading Log
In his talk, Tim Brown presents role-playing as an essential tool in design. Role-playing helps designers imagine and, therefore, build objects that can make various life activities easier. But Brown also notes that role-playing is also essential in life. In the early stages of life, role-playing helps children in imagining real life. For instance, when a child dresses up as a fireman, they try to imagine what it is like to be such a professional. They play out what firefighters do, and in the process, the activity becomes a recreation and a way of learning for children. However, Brown asserts that this is why play has a vital role in our lives. I agree with him because even in adulthood, playing helps us learn various things. It helps us to come up with solutions to problems. At the same time, we can enjoy ourselves.
Brown is saying that play is an important activity in childhood as well as adulthood. I agree with Brown because no matter how hard we try to ignore it, play contributes to our general welfare. When we engage in play, we feel relieved. For instance, when one takes time to join a group of friends and play soccer on the weekends, they can feel less stressed in life. Therefore, play and games act as a form of therapy. However, as Brown shows, play is also important because it is helpful in certain professions. For instance, for designers, role-playing acts as a brainstorming activity.
Brown argues for the study of play by showing how it can be used to achieve various objectives in c...
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