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Industry Report: NFTs in Gaming Industry

Essay Instructions:

Select a topic in the game industry that’s interesting to you and present relevant key information.

This could be a person, company, platform, channel, media entity. This should be a meaningful topic and analysis, rather than shallower "book report" style paper.

For whatever you select, clearly identify the topic, why you selected it and what you find most interesting about it.

Also indicate if the chosen topic will have a short term impact, medium term impact, long term impact or no real impact in the industry, and provide your rationale for this assessment.


Upper left corner: your name, email address, department and year

Double spaced

Approximately two to three pages - longer is fine too

Please make sure your paper includes the content listed below.

Please have sub-headers for each section.

Topic you've selected

Background info (bio, history, relevant facts, dates)

Why you selected this topic / what you find most interesting

If you feel the chosen topic will have:

Short term impact (1 to 2 years)

Medium term impact (2+ to 10 years)

Long term impact (more than 10 years) or no real impact in the industry

Provide your rationale

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Industry Report: NFTs in Gaming Industry
The Web has undergone unprecedented changes since its invention, leading to enormous possibilities in the ways users experience Internet technologies, especially in the gaming industry. While Web 1.0 introduced users to the Internet, this “read-only” web was limited in terms of user interaction. Web 2.0 was later conceptualized to resolve the limitations posed by Web 1.0. Applications such as social networking sites allowed users to interact with each other and e-commerce websites brought new possibilities for shoppers to buy their favorite products and services on the Internet. However, ownership and censorship of content have been major limitations in Web 2.0, a problem that Web 3.0 has promised to resolve. The gaming industry has significantly benefited from Web 3.0 as it has introduced innovative ways for users to participate in the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrency economy using blockchain technologies. Traditionally, gamers have had to incur the cost of playing games, but NFTs have opened a new avenue where they can also take ownership, trade, and sell digital assets as they enjoy their games.
Reasons for Choosing the Topic/Why it is Interesting
NFT has been a buzzword since the introduction of Web 3.0 and has continued to remain an interesting topic in the gaming industry. Generally, NFTs are digital footprints allowing users to own the underlying assets. For instance, with the use of blockchain technologies, digital artists can mint their creative artworks as NFTs. In the gaming industry, producers of video games now use NFTs as an extension of their in-game purchases. This might sound like a bottleneck to ...
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