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Has clicking replaced thinking?

Essay Instructions:
Topic: Review the article that I attached, "Has clicking replaced thinking?" Do you agree that the Internet has fundamentally changed the way we think and gather information? Explain why or why not. Use specific examples to back up your conclusion(s). To. Writer -Before you writing, PLEASE READ THIS INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY!!! -You need to write your own opinions & thoughts. -DO NOT summarize the article. You need answer the question in topic. No need to summarize at all! - You need to provide specific examples of the points you were trying to make. - Use current examples. - If you use facts from a source or quote a source, please attribute the information. -- The overuse of “I think,” “In my opinion” or “I believe.” Once again, most of the time it's not necessary to use these. These are your papers and what you write is what you think or believe. -Attribution. I expect you to attribute facts and figures to the source. -Even if I checked on 'No sources required' you can use any references (from web mostly) but please CITED at the end of the paper where your references came from. - Please understand that I go to college in hawaii and i'm an international student from south Korea(Woman). please do use easy an simple grammar like a international student. Thank you. Please email me or leave a message here if you have any questions.
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Has Clicking Replaced Thinking?
The twenty first century is literally considered as the dot com century. Internet and electronic media has revolutionized the way information is accessed in the world. With information only a click away, one can virtually search for any information from the internet, be it news, entertainment, sports, fashion trends name it, anything one can think about. The old fashioned way of looking up for information from books in the libraries has been wiped off and is quickly becoming extinct (Naughton, Par 6). People all over the world are relying on their personal computers and smart phones and other internet enabled gadgets to look up for information from any place at any time. Though the internet has made it easier for information searching and gathering it has negatively affected the thinking capacities of people especially students in the universities.
Use of internet has changed the way people do research they mostly depend on secondary research which others have done by searching the internet. These have replaced the primary research which brings in new ideas therefore, there is a danger of reclining the same materials which was researched long time ago and placed online. Use of internet has also made researchers to just adopt what they get from the internet without confirming it as the correct information/data they ought to have researched instead. This has made the quality of research to be compromised. The most affected people on such research are students who have become lazy and slaves of technology in respect to doing research by reading publications and books which are more informative as one get to know much more information besides on what he is researching on.
With various search engines such as Google, Bing and Wikipedia available on the internet platform, the quest for knowledge is becoming easier for majority of people. All one needs a device that is internet enabled. Students can do their research for assignments and course work form the internet. However, there is a worrying trend among lecturers and professors who argue out that students do not hand in original research work and more of their work is usually plagiarized. This results to lack of creativity and critical thinking as students are inclined to the copy and pasting method of doing their assignments and academic research. Other ...
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