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Communication and Sexual Satisfaction

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Communication and Sexual Satisfaction
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 Communication and Sexual Satisfaction
There are various myths that emerge from the perceptions and attitudes about sexual satisfaction in relationships. In this context, the social media and the mass media have played a substantial role in how people perceive sexual satisfaction. These concerns can be attributed to the increased issues affecting people in relationships concerning sexual satisfaction. Notably, sexual satisfaction has been a key contributor to why people divorce or cheat on their spouses. In this light, it is related to myths that allude to the physiological and physical pressures associated with sex. In the context of social and mass media, researchers show that sexual satisfaction lays substantial evidence on how individuals engage in sexual activities. These myths show that large penis sizes and long tantric sex is key to making both genders sexually satisfied (Montesi, Fauber, Gordon, & Heimberg, 2011). Nevertheless, reviews suggest that studies have already falsified, such conceptualizations, especially those related to the size of the penis. In this light, researchers highlight that there are a number of variables that correlate to sexual satisfaction (Litzinger & Gordon, 2013). Nevertheless, the factors that actually matter in satisfying an individual’s sexual life remain unexplored. This has raised challenges for couples and marriage counselors who focus on addressing issues associated with sexual satisfaction (Yoo, Bartle-Haring, Day, & Gangamma, 2014). Despite the sustained research, it has been difficult to highlight the prevalent factors due to the diversity that exists among people. Suggestively, the interests of one person are substantially different from another in attaining sexual satisfaction (Timm & Keiley, 2011). From this perspective, sexual satisfaction is defined as an evaluation of the positive and negative dimensions that emerge in an individual’s sexual relationship. These dimensions include how often a person reaches orgasm when engaging in intercourse and the experiences of the partner in the intercourse, like the consistency of an erection when having sex. From another perspective, it alludes to the relationship-centered aspects such as how often the partners engage in sex or how sexual issues are addressed by the couple. These insights show that there are different elements of sexual relationships that need to be addressed in satisfying the sexual life of an individual. 
An array of researchers have attempted to develop an understanding of what leads to happy and successful relationships among people. These efforts are in line with the investment model, which alludes that the benefits emerging from a particular relationship are central to its sustainability. The underlying diversity among people has made sexual satisfaction a complicated and intrinsic task that relies on scientific discoveries as well as the mythological beliefs. Furthermore, the functions and types of relationships vary widely across demographics (Yoo et al., 2014). This puts sexual satisfaction under the influence of the social aspects that underpin the cultural beliefs of the people involved in a relationship. Largely, researchers identify that the communication and sexual aspects are key in influencing the conceptualization of sexual satisfaction among the partners involved. In this light, developing strong relationships is attributed to the achievements made in the communication and sexual satisfaction components that emerge in the interaction between two sexual partners. These insights highlight the importance of understanding the role of effective communication in developing sexual satisfaction and subsequent healthy relationships. 
Studies related to sexual satisfaction show that it can be attributed to various factors experienced by individuals as well as those that emerge in the context of a couple. These include physiology, experience, anxiety, attitudes, and beliefs. Commentators on marriage issues allude that there has been a reasonable success in resolving significant relationship issues through effective communication between couples. Nevertheless, many couples face difficulties in resolving sexual issues through communicative strategies due to the different cultural complexities associated with discussing sexual topics. The challenges associated with the difficulties of discussing sex and related issues are influenced by different contributing factors (Timm & Keiley, 2011). Notably, there are some strong cultural inferences that make sex a taboo topic among people in many communities (Montesi et al., 2011). This has contributed substantially among some individuals, creating the perspective that sexuality and sex matters are shameful, which makes sexual satisfaction a difficult topic to communicate. Furthermore, discussing personal sexual experiences is an undertaking that requires some inherent vulnerability among the people involved in the communication process to be effective. This results in increased anxiety and defensiveness among the persons involved, as well as the strengthening of the myths that exist about sexual satisfaction as each person tries to argue their case. Additionally, the gender-related communication patterns can compromise the effectiveness of people engaging in discussions about sexual satisfaction due to the misunderstandings that might emerge among partners (Litzinger & Gordon, 2013). Drawing from the reviews, couples can develop healthy relationships with their partners by gaining effective insights about how they can communicate about sex and the impact communication has in developing sexual satisfaction (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017). These sentiments are premised on the notion that sexual communication results in committed and successful relationships.
Researchers show that greater frequency of sexual activity is often link...
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