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The Effects of Globalization to Nike and Its Social Media Presence

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A decade ago, companies would get away with creating customer relations and marketing on the go. That is as long as you present you are doing better than your competitor is, However, time is fast catching up with the world's market and traditional ways of marketing, interacting with customers, supply, delivery, and selling have all been affected in one way of or the other. Today globalization has created a global village, where the world has been turned into one global market with different industries. Advance technology has transformed markets both socially and culturally. The existing technology has enabled companies in America to offer the same information at the same time to their customers in other parts of the world. This is the same case with all the firms in the world that have invested well in the new technology. Social media is one platform that has transformed the world market, with the best global brands boasting of having some of the best and most interesting social Media (De Vines & Leeflang, 2012). These platforms, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, snap chat or YouTube have made significance to the leading firms. Nike and its social media presence is a good practical example to start with as we explore this phenomenon.
With 30 percent of the millennial confirming, they engage with most of the brands through social media, and then a firm with a strategy of only existing cannot survive the market today. Brands need to invest heavily in social media marketing strategies and more so focus on engagement. Nike knows that interacting directly with their customers through social media has positive effects on firms' sales and competitive advantage. This activity involves sharing of content on social media networks for the main goal of branding and marketing.
Among the companies, that shows the real effect of social media is Nike. Their twitter handle is @Nike (7.6 million followers), Facebook they go by Nike too and they have a YouTube channel Nike with more than eight hundred subscribers. Nike websites, which is updated daily, is a major resource to the firm /xf/en_gb/?ref=https%253A%252F%252F%252F. They recently had their 30th anniversary Just Do It campaign, which featured the athlete Colin Kaepernick. The campaign broke the internet and it was trending on all social media platforms proof that Nike knows how to tap into the nation's mood through social media. Another notable social media success was the #Breaking2.
#Breaking2 Nike aim was to show authenticity in one of their product launches /watch?v=V2ZLG-Fij_4&t=1s. The zoom to the Superfly Elite shoe was launched and was depicted helping the Kenyan world marathon record holder Eliud Kipchoge almost handling a ma...
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