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Will You be an Advocate of the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Essay Instructions:

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people?

In this assignment, you will choose one of the following industries to frame your paper:

  • The pharmaceutical industry.
  • The payday loan industry.
  • Cloning for medical purposes. 

Once you’ve gone through the worksheet and answered all the questions you will take that information and write your paper. It will basically be a transfer of information from the worksheet to a paper format.

Do not just turn in the worksheet. It will be sent back for a rewrite.

  1. Choose an industry.
  2. Will you be an advocate for the consumer or the industry?
  3. Develop 3 reasons why you support the consumer or the industry.
  • Reason 1.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.
  • Reason 2.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.
  • Reason 3.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.
  1. Is it possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer simultaneously, or does one always have to prevail?
  • Reason 1.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.
  • Reason 2.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.
  • Reason 3.
    • Supporting evidence for that reason.

Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Not all Companies Are Viewed as Equal
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Not all Companies Are Viewed as Equal
The current pharmaceutical industry has continued to experience technological advancement since the 19th century. This industry's origin lies in the pharmacies and apothecaries, which provide traditional remedies to address some health conditions based on years of general knowledge. Although the evolution of the science of the 17th century was responsible for the spread of ideas of experimentation and rationalism, the industrial revolution improved the production of goods in the late 18th century. The pharmaceutical industry continues to advance thanks to technology, including innovations of vaccines for rare diseases that used to be seen as permanent.
The market base or segmentation allows pharmaceutical industries and their companies to enable their brands to reach their customers, which features in various market segments. It is an important component of excellence for most pharmaceutical companies. Market segmentations comprise the segregation of potential customers into different groups depending on their specific features. The procedure enables companies to understand what their customers require. In this industry, several customer segments or bases specify customers' needs. Psychographic segmentation is essential that consists of consumers whose needs are well-defined based on their activities, interests, opinions, and lifestyles (Liu et al., 2019). In this segmentation, consumers' psychological traits, including purchasing habits, are considered.
When mentioning the pharmaceutical industry, no one should take it for granted because it contributes vastly to the economy of a nation or state. For instance, the industry creates massive job opportunities for people and thus plays a crucial role in their high standards of living. There are several jobs a person can secure, from clinical trials, to laboratory-based research jobs, manufacturing, engineering, sales, and distribution. Therefore, approximately any skill can get a career to match in the industry.
Additionally, the industry has contributed to the production of medicines and other medical advancements. Over the past 50 years, the industry has excelled in determining the main factors that contribute to several deadly diseases. As a result, the globe has experienced a decline in death rates through severe cardiac diseases. Moreover, the industry has contributed to the development of medical care that can enhance life expectancy in patients struggling with life-threatening ailments. For instance, palliative care has improved patients' quality of life with severe diseases, including cancer. Palliative care aims to avoid or treat symptoms and side effects early before they worsen and other social, psychological, and spiritual complications. Therefore, it is clear that the pharmaceutical industry is integral in fostering the quality of life of several patients.
The pharmaceutical industry has been vital in embracing big data during drug development to manufacture precise medicines. In pharmaceutical companies, big data-driven medicati...
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