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A Summary: Investing An Innovative Service With Hospitality Robots

Essay Instructions:

A summary for "Article summary 4. Investigating an innovative service with hospitality robots"

Instructions are below:

a. Topic (4 points): is the topic of the original chapter/article stated?

b. Major points (5 points): is the summary focus on the major points and information

from the chapter/article?

c. Accurate (5 points): are the major points and information accurate?

d. Own words (2 points): is the summary written in your own words?

e. Concise (2 points): is the summary is !!! 2 pages!!! with double-spaced?

- Font style: times new roman, Font size: 12

f. Understanding (2 points): is summary easy to understand?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
                      Summary Name Institutional Affiliation                     Summary             The article “investing an innovative service with hospitality robots” examines the factors influencing the innovation of service robots in the hotel industry, creating a sustainable competitive advantage in the industry. As a result of rapid growth in the tourism industry, the hospitality sector seeks to advance technological innovation to remain competitive in the industry. To achieve this, the industry strives to develop a business strategy that will help to upgrade the service provision in the hotel industry. The purpose of the study is to understand the SWOT analysis of service robots, develop a ranking of the factors, examine the innovation dimensions for service robots, and determine the elements that impact the building of service robots, while using Taiwan hotel industry as the case study.             According to the authors, the application of technological expertise will provide a good collation of departments such as marketing, operation process, human resource, and finance and information technology. Additionally, a six-dimensional service innovation model has been used to investigate robot service in a hotel setup. Seasonal employment has resulted in an unparalleled number of entry-level jobs in the hotel industry. The innovation of automation and robotics services will gradually replace unskilled services, thus making the hotel industry more competitive. The application of robotics solution is mainly to manage the problem resulting from cyclical employment. An approach using the information technology is continuously used to come up with solutions that assist the hospitality industry to remain competitive in the market.             This approach can be used to evaluate the den Hertog’s six-dimensional capabilities, which include new service model, a new partnership, new revenue model and new collaborations. To begin with, the model describes technological options, and the user needs applications. The robots service technology is me...
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