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Quality and Safety Provider Evaluation on Kindred Health Care

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Provider Evaluation (Quality and Safety): Kindred Health Care
Institutional Affiliation
Provider Evaluation (Quality and Safety): Kindred Health Care
Kindred is one of the healthcare providers in Louisville which operates under stringent quality and safety measures. The firm’s name was adopted in 2001 and provides transitional healthcare (Kindred healthcare specialty hospital care leading to recovery, 2021). Safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care to the patients are the elements of the provider. Kindred improves healthcare by constant patient engagement and increased access to care. It also focuses on different evaluation techniques to maintain high-level safety and evidence-informed healthcare. The company collaborates with other organizations to maintain a high level of cooperation and growth.
Based on the firm’s evaluation, the mortality, rehospitalization, and infection rate are low. The mortality rate is at 5%, while the rehospitalization rate is between 6 and 10% (Kindred healthcare specialty hospital care leading to recovery, 2021). Regarding quality standards, 10% of readmission indicates high-quality healthcare (Brown et al., 2018). Therefore, Kindred quality is exemplary based on the expected standards, thus having a higher competitive advantage. The infection rate at the institution is also low, showing patient safety and evidence-informed care. On the other hand, patient satisfaction and preventative care at the institution are high.
Similar health care institutions at Louisville also focus on quality and safety in healthcare. For instance, Guardian healthcare providers align all their goals to quality and safety. The institution outcome regarding quality is a challenge to Kindred. Guardian healthcare provider has a mortality rate of 3 %, with a rehospitalization rate of 6% (Guardian healthcare providers Connecting talent, opportunity, and healthcare, 2021). The identified outcomes show it is more prevalent in quality and safety measures than Kindred healthcare providers. The safety of the patients is given a priority since the healthcare provider has established an advanced system for quality reports ...
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