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Management Student: Professor: Course title: Date: My first work experience began in Progressio, one of the states in Central America. I had decided to resign from Progression and look for work somewhere, because of the high living standards in this place, but I changed my mind owing to the hurricane that ravaged this part of the world at that time. However, I was transferred to Ohio where I took up a management post as one of the internee manager in charge of accounts. In this place, the work environment consistently challenged my theoretical and practical skills. However, I learned to manage my everyday activities and assignments to my full potential. In this unit the other managers were very much open and very approachable. Whenever, I needed any sort of assistance, I could approach these managers or senior employees who were always ready to offer a helping hand. My team was more or less like family members since we assisted each other and shared ideas. However, the accounts set up for this organisation was my main challenge. This was attributed to the fact that the accounts systems in this firm were set up to be specifically used in this company and nowhere else. Generally, workers who were regarded as the H’P family happened to be very pleasant to work with. Progression was a great company. This organisation was composed of small famers in Ohio. The organisation was a kind of community development and my main work was to facilitate some developmental aspects of this firm alongside managing the companies’ accounts systems. In one incident, one of the high ranking officials in this organisation came to me, asking for some petty cash claiming that he had gotten approval from his immediate supervisor. However, this request had not been approved by the general manager of the company. From his point of view, this colleague of mine had thought that, his request would be automatically approved by the general manager since what he was asking for was normal petty cash. After taking some considerations, I decided that I had to comply with the company rules and polices since these are particularly meant to ensure that optimal internal control of the organisation are upheld. Furthermore, I also came to think that if these colleagues wanted to make me bend rules for their benefit, then the company systems will be utterly jeopardised. This will be harmful to their organisation. Therefore, I advised this colleague of mine that it would be better for him to seek first the approval of the general manager before this request could be considered. My resolution happened to be the right one because as I came to realise, the general m...
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