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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Business Model of Automotive Company

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Prompt:

This week your assignment is to begin researching a small business of interest to you and then start the process of organizing and writing of a formal business model. You will want to select a small business or franchise for which you have some expertise, knowledge, experience, and (most importantly) considerable interest. Before you attempt this Model, please review some of the resources listed in the Reading & Resources section of the Week 6 Lesson.

Once you have reviewed the resources in the lesson, the next step in this process is to watch the video hyperlinked below. We will be using the model design that is covered in this short 9-minute video. Before you start the video, download and print out a copy of the Outline sheet that has been inserted below, it will help you in your note taking as you watch this video.

The Business Model Canvas - 9 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Model - Startup Tips

Now that you have a good feel for the business you want to model, and the format we are going to use to develop your Business Model, it's time to get to work formatting your business plan. We will follow an organization much like the video you just watched, with two exceptions (see the outline below):

• Section 1 - The company description, location, and name

• Section 2 - The Value Proposition

• Section 3 - Customer Segments

• Section 4 - Channels

• Section 5 - Revenue Streams

• Section 6 - Key Resources Required

• Section 7 - Key Partners

• Section 8 - Key Activities

• Section 9 - Cost Structure (no numbers required, just layout what is important to plan for as important (a) fixed costs, (b) variable costs, (c) activity costs, (d) logistics costs, and (e) legal, license,



How you present this Model is up to you, it can be a PowerPoint presentation or MS Word report. Your submission will be assessed according to the following criteria

1. The thought that was put into each of the 9 segments. Was everything considered and has the author considered all of the important factors affecting each part of the model? Is it complete with no missing elements?

2. How creative was the model presentation

3. How professionally narrated, written, or presented the Model is?

Manage your time carefully, this project could easily take more time than some of the others. Submit your Model by Sunday, Midnight.

Grading Rubric

A rubric is provided here for your convenience that details how this assignment will be graded. Please review it carefully prior to submitting your work.


Week 6_Business Model Note sheet.docx

(14.12 KB)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Model of Automotive Company
Student's name
Institutional affiliation
Course name and number
Professor's name
Date of submission
Business Model of Automotive Company
A business model is aimed at giving the guidelines necessary for the business practices in an organization. This essay will develop a business plan for the Peak Motors Automotive Company located in California in the United States of America. This model will describe how the company will create the vehicles, deliver and capture the customers' attention.
Value Propositions
Peak Motors will be producing stylish and affordable vehicles. These vehicles will be of great efficiency and safety. The main objectives of Peak Motors are to improve the transportation sectors by reducing traffic jams and congestions, reducing road accident cases, and helping in time management. According to Lin and Raza (2020), the transport sector's main problem is traffic jams and roads accidents. Peak Motors will aim to minimize traffic jams and road accidents by manufacturing safe and high-speed vehicles. My vehicles will be of great significance to the public transport sectors, business people, and other travelers.
Customer Segment
The company will majorly serve customers who are looking for affordable vehicles with great fuels efficiency. Peak motors will also serve customers concerned with automobile safety and those looking for stylish vehicles with high speed and good performance. In addition, the company will also deal with the mass market and mostly middle-class families who need four-door cars for everyday use.
The company will hold regularly paid advertisements on various media channels as well as influencer advertisements. Secondly, the company will conduct car shows every time launching a new type of car. The company will enter into a dealership with other automotive sales companies and lastly, it will engage with international distribution channels with our main partners to improve the sales.
Customers Relations
Peak Motors will develop a communication channel to maintain good customers relationship. It will establish a customer service call center for easy inquiries and maintenance appointments. A successful business must maintain good relations with its customers (Markovic & Salamzadeh, 2018). The company will have staffs who will help customers with vehicle inquires and purchases. It will also offer after-sales services to help in maintaining its customers. Finally, the company ...
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