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Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies: Nike Inc.

Essay Instructions:


In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected for the assignments in Weeks 3 and 6. You will examine business and corporate-level strategies and their impact on corporate success comparable to the competitive environment.

This assignment requires the use of three or more quality resources, including your textbook. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the chosen corporation:

  • The corporation's website.
  • Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission's Filings & Forms page.
  • Strayer University's online databases.
  • The Nexis Uni database.
  • Other credible sources, such as the corporation's annual report, will often provide insights that other
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Business–Level and Corporate–Level Strategies: Nike Inc.
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Business–Level and Corporate–Level Strategies: Nike Inc.
Nike Inc. holds a leading position in the sports shoe and apparel industry through effectively employing business-level and corporate-level strategies. The most significant strategies are product differentiation and product development respectively. An analysis of the company’s competitive environment identifies Adidas as the most significant competitor. However, Nike is more likely to be more successful in the long run as compared to Adidas due to its ability to adapt to rapid changes and effectively implement its strategies. The two companies have the resources that would enable them to withstand the slow and fast market cycles. Hence, this paper describes Nike's most significant business and corporate-level strategies and why it leads in the shoe apparel industry.
Business Level Strategies
In the sports goods industry, Nike has managed to implement business-level strategies that have impacted its competitive advantage in the long run. One of the most successful business-level strategies by the company is differentiation. Nike has implemented the strategy to its investments, technology, and production processes thus creating distinct products for its consumers. Also, through differentiation, the organization has been able to widen its market share hence a long-term success strategy (Hitt et al., 2019). Other competitors also have developed strategies at the business level for competitiveness, however, Nike has uniquely developed products such as trendy and sporty sneakers shoe that celebrities and sports professionals have a preference for. Also, the company has used the 4 Ps marketing mix to reach a wider market share that allows even the average customer to enjoy their product. The company uses differentiation strategies through product diversification and innovative technologies. Hence, differentiation strategies can be attested through the company partnerships with lead celebrities to advertise products and the R&D innovation technology for its innovative trademarks. Innovative technologies used in the company are such as per se for designing, distance tracking technology, auto-lacing shoes, and i-pod pace. The technologies have enabled the company to remain unique from its competitors in the industry.
Diversification on the other hand has helped the company maintain the quality of its products and meet every customer need. Through diversification, the company has a variety of products such as golf sports equipment, apparel, soccer, basketball, cricket, Auto racing, track and field, ice hocking, tennis yoga, and many more. The company has further diversified its activities and ventured into casual clothing and accessories, besides owning Jordan, Hurley, and Converse brands. Nike has also been able to differentiate its focus by targeting buyers from a global segment in the sports shoe industry. for instance, footballers have a special differentiated footwear product that normal consumers cannot wear on the streets. The company has achieved this through research and innovative product development that grants the company a competitive advantage in the athletes' market segment (Hitt et al., 2019). The approach helps the company achieve its long-term goals since it's an intensive growth strategy that promotes product development that best suits the changing demand and needs.
Corporate Level Strategies
Nike has employed several corporate-level strategies that have enabled it to achieve its goals and objectives in the long run. Among the strategies, product development is one of the most effective in promoting company growth (Hitt et al., 2019). The company undergoes a product development process that helps to transform the concepts for customers. First, the company anticipates what the customers’ needs then applies innovative ideas to meet the customer needs. The Nike Air shoe was developed for running athletes after anticipating the need of runners to perform efficiently through lightweight shoes with a cushion that reduced shock and distributed pressure. Second, the company does a research and development process in its research laboratory. The process helps list t...
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