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Primate Overview

Essay Instructions:

the instruction is in the doc. thankyou

For this week we are using a rest week to get ready for more complex information  upcoming in the Bipedalism and hominin sections which has a wide range of things to do. The heavy lifting for the course is done in November and easy riding is in December if all is done well.

This is a quick lab covering the high points in order to view this as an evolutionary process over the large details which would be covered in a lecture course.

The idea is to note the time, regions, and changes that are seen with the primates.

By referring to the drawing above it is seen that there is a possibility that primates have existed for more or less 75 million years. Also there is a diversity of species appearing after the extinction event from +/-66 million years ago aka, Cretaceous/Paleogene event K-pg 66 mya.

It may also be noted that starting 25 million years ago prior to the miocene, a big change occurred establishing a wide range of types for primates. Meaning, New World and Old World primates became very diverse especially those in the old world with ancient body types such as strepsirhines all the way to very modern apes.

Also, some of the new world types had unique characteristics. For example, claws and prehensile tails. Although claws are present in older body forms in the Old World, prehensile tails are unique to the New World. 


New World



In the standard models primates are divided into two main groups. One is the “Old World.” The name came into usage by describing it as what was known to Europe, during the times of exploration from there.


The other basic group is the “New World.” The name came into use during the European discovery phase.  


Although it may be more clear to have called Known World and Newly Discovered which may have tended scientific communities to use better terms they are “carved in stone.”


In terms of variation, range, and complexity the old world contains more. This may indicate that it took time to roam and to become better suited for different places. Time and variation may be a clue to long ecolution. Also in areas where insuler isolation occurs, for evolution we may expect to see a wide range of species. 



Old World

a. Many variations include types which are easily identified as monkeys.


All types are classified as New World Monkeys.


There is a unique type Tamarins and marmosets

a. Many variations including types which are not identified as monkeys.


1 . Lemuriiformes :

A. lemurs

B. prosimian


2. Old world monkeys.


3. Apes


b. Body size


Range from


very small  6.5 cm length and .19 kg.


to medium 70 cm length and 15 kg.

b. Body size

Range from

Small37 cm and 1.3 kg.


to medium 100cm (1 m) and 15 kg


To very large 180 cm ( 1.8 m ) and 260 kg.

b. Nose type

Platyrrhini, flat faces



simple dry noses


b. Nose type

 Catarrhini, face nose down


 Strepsirrhini wet noses



simple dry noses

c. Tooth order



c. Tooth order

Largely 2/1/2/3

With the variant

of dental combs for prosimians.

d. Tail-types





d. Tail-type


No tail

e. Nails/claws


e. Nails/claws





Grading x/25 x 60= score


Answer which group has

New World

Old World

Which group is marked in blue? (Sample)



1.The most diversity (2 pts)



2. Wider range of body weight (2 pts)



3. A height which has a species similar to humans (2 pts)



4. A humanlike tooth order 2/1/2/3 (2 pts)



5. A similar tail structure to humans (2 pts)



Add the columns



6. Based on your column totals above (q1 thru q5), which group has had more opportunity to change? (2 pts)

New World

Old World


7. Based on your column totals above (q1 thru q5), which group has more characteristics similar to humans? (2 pts)

New World

Old World


8. Based on teeth and tails which animal group might humans belong to? (2 pts)

New World

Old World

9. Based on this very brief analysis where might humans come from? (2 pts)

New World

Old World


10.  Why are primate types divided into the new world and Old world. Use both History and characteristics. (7 pts)

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October 26, 2020
Primate Overview
Answer which group has

New World

Old World

The most diversity



Wider range of body weight



A height which has a species similar to humans



A human like tooth order 2/1/2/3



A similar tail structure to humans



Based on your column totals above, which group has had more opportunity to change?
The Old World group of primates and animals has had more opportunity to change as shown by their general biodiversity, their wider range of body weight, differing sizes and heights, tooth orders, and tail structures.
Based on your column totals above, which group has characteristics similar to humans?
The Old World group of primates and animals has characteristics more similar to humans owing to their height, ranging from 1 to 1.8 meters, their nose types particularly catarrhine very similar to an earlier development of current human-shaped noses.
Based on teeth and nails which animal group might humans belong to?
Humans might belong to the Old World group of primates and animals owing to their largely 2/1/2/3 tooth order as opposed to the New World group 2/1/3/3 tooth order. According to the presented data there is no meaningful difference between the nails and claws of Old World group of animals and the New World group.
Based on this very brief analysis where might hu...
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