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Anthbiolab.mckendricksj.from fish to mammals Biological Essay

Essay Instructions:

the instruction is in the document, you just need to answer all of them.



Be sure to make a copy of this document and then type directly onto the document. There are four parts to this section each worth 10 points 40 points total. The goal is to understand the evolutionary connection of  mammals to the past, the foundation of mammals on the land.

The key concepts explored here are

❏      Mosaic species

❏      Acquiring the land

❏      Eggs

❏      Gestation

❏      Mammals.

Part 1. Acquiring the land (10 pts)

For this section we will quickly start with a basic connection to evolutionary theory with regards to two important ideas. One thing which mammals have in common is adaptations which allow them to use the ground such as breathing air and most cases legs.


These transitions start more than 450 million years with changes in fish. That is all life has common connections, for example, DNA. When we review some of the characteristics which are common to one group of fish can we find the outliers.


That is 5 of these fish belong beached together and one is a different branch. In order to use biological classification refer to the andersenii aquaticus lab for cladograms. The characteristics to use for evaluation are:

  1. Are the mirrored dorsal fin and pelvic fin
  2. Are the mirrored  2nd dorsal fin and the anal fin
  3. Is the rough head shape (noting nose)
  4. Is the mid-tail projection (pointed)

The idea here is to see what has similar data parts and what is different.  These answers are not for you to look up. They are for you to use the skills you have been working to develop. That is, observe the and record the data.


Hypothesis 1. In order to acquire the ground fin type of fish would change to allow for shallow water. Check  A and B

Hypothesis 2. Fish would have changed the fin type based on need and some may disappear. Check A.

Hypothesis 3. Head shape, for example nose length would change as a taller head is not suited for shallow water. Check C.


In this case note that species 6 is a ray finned fish and species 1 is a lobed fin fish. Now look for the common characteristics. That is fish will have some common characteristics such as fins. However, the types and or use of fins may vary. In this case we are looking for a lineage of fish leading to walking and by default it leaves those that strictly swim.


If evolution is true we should see that it presents in many places and that we can apply the theory of natural selection. In this case we are searching to find if according to the fossil record and living fish did they acquire the land because the fossil record indicates that prior to 350 million years ago there were only plants, bugs, and microbes on the land. Therefore if evolution is possible there would need to be a species which acquired the land.

Table 1: drawings of fish


Coelacanthus (400 mya)



Eusthenopteron (385 mya)



Panderichthys (380 mya)



Acanthostega (365 mya),




Ichthyostega (375 mya)



Common fish type/modern ray finned fish (420 MYA)



  1. For the table above evaluate the nose length to height, use a rough look /observation. That observation is a start of where to look. Which two species have shorter and higher noses. (1 points)

Sample answer: 1 and 6


  1. For the table above evaluate the nose length to height, use a rough look/observation. That observation is a start of where to look. Which four species have flatter longer noses (1 points).


  1. What is distinct about species 2 when evaluating the nose length to height ( 1 point).


  1. Was there a change and how would you group them (1 points)?



Nose characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Nose types Short and a bit taller

Sample answer: species 1 and 6

Group 2 has

Short and flatter


Group 3 has

Longer and flatter



It is predicted that a shorter flatter nose is better for shallow water.


  1. Next is primary dorsal and pelvic fin characteristics. How would you group them ( 2 points)?



Primary dorsal and pelvic fin characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Fins present and different from species 1 and 2


Group 2 has

Per individual top and bottom mirrored

Sample answer:  species 1 and 2

Group 3 has

No primary dorsal or pelvic fins


It is predicted that there would need to be a change in the fin type to make better use of the shallow water and the land.


  1. Next is secondary dorsal and dorsal fin characteristics. How would you group them (2 points)?



Secondary dorsal and anal fin characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Fins present and different from species 1 and 2, not mirrored

Sample answer: Species 6

Group 2 has

Per individual top and bottom mirrored


Group 3 has

No secondary dorsal fin and leg-like anal fin


 It is predicted that fins would need to have a clear change from water/legs to land/legs.



  1. Next is the mid-tail projection characteristics. How would you group them (2 points)?



 Mid-tail projection characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Indented midtail projection

Sample answer: Species 6

Group 2 has

Extended mid-tail projection

( pointed)


Group 3 has

No secondary dorsal fin and leg-like anal fin


It is predicted that some traits will be very distinctive connections for the lineage of those which acquired land use over time.

Once land animals appeared in the fossil record more or less 325 million years ago there were also things which were different from others, For example, there are distinct connections to holes in the head. For example, the oldest is an amphibious reptile species E which has a skull with no hole specifically the fenestrae. Then there are two adaptations from 315 and 270 million years ago. At 315 million years ago the fossil record shows diapsids meaning two holes. Also from 270 Million years ago the fossil record shows the synapsids with a hole low near to the jaw. Lastly, euryapsids such as ichthyosaurs and testudines (turtles) because of other characteristics are not connected to the synapsid line.  The main lineage to note is that of the synapsids, mammal-like reptiles.


The prior examples of the change in fish types and the acquisition of the land part of a process of study known as mosaic species. That is a mosaic species is a change in body parts or systems without changes in all body parts or systems when compared to similar or closely related species. For example, chimpanzees share many characteristics with gorillas however, there are some which are different. 


The review of the acquiring land, the common characteristic of eggs, and the changes leading to specialized adaptations for mammals is an example that simply understanding that Darwin states that natural selection is process and humans are related to ape-like ancestors from Africa. To have some authority over the information it is important to review some of the less common ideas about evolution as it relates closely to the accepted classification that we are mammals too.


We start with fish because there was a time in the fossil record when the only complex animals were aquatic animals. We see the transitions of the fish as mosaic and see several constant characteristics such as eye, mouths, teeth, etc but especially to the eggs. That is all species of complex animals use eggs in one form or another as a method of reproduction. The variant is the type of egg as well as the way the embryo is getated. Gestation is the process leading up to birth or emergence.


All these lead back to the mosaic species idea in that we may consider that species (all) have of the old referred to as primitive and have some of the new referred to as derived. This is key observance to connect to the past and establish common species groups and the branch to which they belong.





Part . Mammalian classification (10 pts)

2.1. What thing(s) makes this animal type in the image below part of the mammalian lineage?


2.2. What thing(s) makes this animal type in the image below part of the reptile lineage?


2.3. What thing makes this animal type in the image below connected to the avian lineage?




2.4. What thing makes this animal type in the image below connected to the bird lineage?


2.5. What thing(s) makes this animal type in the image below different from synapsid pelycosaurs?



2.6. What thing(s) makes this animal type, in the image below, part of the mammalian lineage?


2.7. What thing(s) makes this animal type, in the image below, part of the reptile lineage?


2.8 What thing makes this animal type, in the image below, connected to the avian lineage?


2.9What thing(s) makes this animal type, in the image below, unique from other mammals?


2.10. Why is the gestation process a good way to review evolution for example, fish have eggs, reptiles, have eggs, and in this case animals have eggs?




Part 3. Monotremes: A very Mosaic Species (10 points)


List for characteristics for mammals having:

●        specialized ear bones

●        articulating jaws

●        heterodontism( different tooth types and diphyodonty (different sets at stages of life)

●        endothermy

●        lactation

●        body hair

●        four chambered heart


3.1  Based on the above information list the characteristics from above for mammals that the platypus has (3.5 points)?


3.2 Based on the list above is a platypus a mammal (1 point)? Yes or  No


3.3 Do some mammals lay eggs (1 point)? Yes or No


3.4 Therefore is live birth for mammals a general characteristic but can vary for mammals (1 point)?


3.5 Based on the information above list the characteristics that a platypus has which is not a mammalian characteristic, meaning related to other animal types such as birds (

not the beak), reptiles, and fish.  List at least 3 ( 3.5 points) 

Part 4 Mammals from fins, to feet, lactation, and live birth (20 points)

4.1 Using examples from this document only, why are fish important to the study of evolution for mammals (2 point)?


4.2 Using examples from this document only, why are synapsids important to the study of mammals (2 point)?


4.3 Using examples from this document only, why are therapsids important to the study of mammals (2 point)?


4.4 Using examples from this document only, why are study monotremes important to the study of mammals (2 point)?


4.5 Using examples from this document only, why is the study of evolution usually simplistic when compared to the many mosaic features evident in the living and fossil record (12 points)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Be sure to make a copy of this document and then type directly onto the document. There are four parts to this section each worth 10 points 40 points total. The goal is to understand the evolutionary connection of mammals to the past, the foundation of mammals on the land.
The key concepts explored here are
* Mosaic species
* Acquiring the land
* Eggs
* Gestation
* Mammals.
Part 1. Acquiring the land (10 pts)
For this section we will quickly start with a basic connection to evolutionary theory with regards to two important ideas. One thing which mammals have in common is adaptations which allow them to use the ground such as breathing air and most cases legs.
These transitions start more than 450 million years with changes in fish. That is all life has common connections, for example, DNA. When we review some of the characteristics which are common to one group of fish can we find the outliers.
That is 5 of these fish belong beached together and one is a different branch. In order to use biological classification refer to the andersenii aquaticus lab for cladograms. The characteristics to use for evaluation are:
* Are the mirrored dorsal fin and pelvic fin
* Are the mirrored 2nd dorsal fin and the anal fin
* Is the rough head shape (noting nose)
* Is the mid-tail projection (pointed)
The idea here is to see what has similar data parts and what is different. These answers are not for you to look up. They are for you to use the skills you have been working to develop. That is, observe the and record the data.
Hypothesis 1. In order to acquire the ground fin type of fish would change to allow for shallow water. Check A and B
Hypothesis 2. Fish would have changed the fin type based on need and some may disappear. Check A.
Hypothesis 3. Head shape, for example nose length would change as a taller head is not suited for shallow water. Check C.
In this case note that species 6 is a ray finned fish and species 1 is a lobed fin fish. Now look for the common characteristics. That is fish will have some common characteristics such as fins. However, the types and or use of fins may vary. In this case we are looking for a lineage of fish leading to walking and by default it leaves those that strictly swim.
If evolution is true we should see that it presents in many places and that we can apply the theory of natural selection. In this case we are searching to find if according to the fossil record and living fish did they acquire the land because the fossil record indicates that prior to 350 million years ago there were only plants, bugs, and microbes on the land. Therefore if evolution is possible there would need to be a species which acquired the land.
Table 1: drawings of fish

Coelacanthus (400 mya)

Eusthenopteron (385 mya)

Panderichthys (380 mya)

Acanthostega (365 mya),

Ichthyostega (375 mya)

Common fish type/modern ray finned fish (420 MYA)

1 For the table above evaluate the nose length to height, use a rough look /observation. That observation is a start of where to look. Which two species have shorter and higher noses. (1 points)
Species 1 (Coelacanth) and 6 (perch)
2 For the table above evaluate the nose length to height, use a rough look/observation. That observation is a start of where to look. Which four species have flatter longer noses (1 points).
Species 2, 3, 4, and 5
3 What is distinct about species 2 when evaluating the nose length to height ( 1 point).
The distinct characteristic between the two species is the size and height of their snouts.
4 Was there a change and how would you group them (1 points)?

Nose characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Nose types Short and a bit taller

Sample answer: species 1 and 6

Group 2 has

Short and flatter

Species 2 and 5

Group 3 has

Longer and flatter

Species 3 and 4

It is predicted that a shorter flatter nose is better for shallow water.
5 Next is primary dorsal and pelvic fin characteristics. How would you group them ( 2 points)?

Primary dorsal and pelvic fin characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Fins present and different from species 1 and 2

Species 6

Group 2 has

Per individual top and bottom mirrored

Sample answer: species 1 and 2

Group 3 has

No primary dorsal or pelvic fins

Species 3, 4, 5

It is predicted that there would need to be a change in the fin type to make better use of the shallow water and the land.
6 Next is secondary dorsal and dorsal fin characteristics. How would you group them (2 points)?

Secondary dorsal and anal fin characteristics

List species numbers included

Group 1 has

Fins present and different from species 1 and 2, not mirrored

Sample answer: Species 6 and 4

Group 2 has

Per individual top and bottom mirrored

Species 1, 2

Group 3 has

No secondary dorsal fin and leg-like anal fin

Species 3 and 5

It is predicted that fins would need to have a clear change from water/legs to land/legs.
7 Next is the mid-tail projection characteristics. How would you group them (2 points)?

Mid-tail projection character...
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