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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Biological & Biomedical Sciences Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

The following questions are based on this drawing as well as additional information which is listed in the tables. Under usual circumstances students do all the calculations and measurements. However, the goal is to get a connection though to humans from non-human apes and discover a related species and decide where they belong based on the data. Therefore the math is largely posted for you except on the last section 4. You will be asked to interpret the math one questions 1 through 3. Questions for you will be asked to complete, fill -in, and interpret the math compiling data for the story of evolution, especially the connection to human-like animals. Clearly we are not the same as orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, nor bonobos but, there are some species which are more similar to us then others.


In this section we are evaluating some of the long bones for a determination of obligated bipedalism especially the ability to walk long distances. There are 46 total answers with a combined score of 50 pts. Be sure to follow all the way to the end. The last question is 4e section a and b.

 Grade scale x/50 x 60 = score

  1. Brachial index is = (R) radius length divided by(H)humerus length x 100

  2. Crucial index is = (T)tibia length divided by (F)femur length x 100

  3. Intermembral index is = combined lengths of the the radius and humerus divided by the combined lengths of the tibia and femur [( R+H) ÷ (T+F)] x 100

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

The following questions are based on this drawing as well as additional information which is listed in the tables. Under usual circumstances students do all the calculations and measurements. However, the goal is to get a connection though to humans from non-human apes and discover a related species and decide where they belong based on the data.
Therefore the math is largely posted for you except on the last section 4. You will be asked to interpret the math one questions 1 through 3. Questions for you will be asked to complete, fill -in, and interpret the math compiling data for the story of evolution, especially the connection to human-like animals. Clearly we are not the same as orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, nor bonobos but, there are some species which are more similar to us then others.
In this section we are evaluating some of the long bones for a determination of obligated bipedalism especially the ability to walk long distances.
There are 46 total answers with a combined score of 50 pts.
Be sure to follow all the way to the end. The last question is 4e section a and b
Grade scale x/50 x 60 = score
The appendicular skeleton are the bones outside the main core of the body such as the ones from the; arms and legs. One of the ways to use the appendicular skeleton is to establish a common type of animal by reviewing specific characteristics such as long bone length. In this case, it is surmised that there is a ratio of the long bones, one to another.
Typically, some of the arm bones of the appendicular skeleton are; the hand (phalanges, metacarpals, and carpals), the forearm (radius and ulna), the humerus, the scapula, and the clavicle. Also, for the leg bones; the foot’s phalanges, metatarsals, tarsals and the lower leg’s tibia and fibula as well as the femur. Lastly, the appendicular skeleton has the pelvic girdle (both os-coxae aka the innominate; ilium, ischium, and pubis).
One of the ways to gather data in order to determine locomotor type is to measure the lengths of long arm bones and the long leg bones, then establish comparative ratios.
In the last lessons we used the position of the spine shape, calcaneus, the hip to femur normal standing angles, and the length of the metatarsal to separate three locomotor types.
The locomotor types allowed those generalized animal types to be grouped as ungulates, digitigrades, and also plantigrades. However, it was also shown that variation can exist within the groups, such as, the variations amongst the plantigrade monkeys and apes (including humans).
The idea is to have gone from a larger idea and then get led down a path of discovery. That is, research should lead to more and better questions. In this case, the locomotor type lesson left the questions about the variations of primates. Therefore, the long bone measurements can add more data to the developing knowledge of the mechanisms of the human skeleton in this case bipedalism. This brings us to the next step which is to measure the arm length from the radius and the humerus. Also for the leg, to measure the tibia and femur lengths. Three comparisons will be made of; the arm bones (brachial index), leg bones (crucial index), and lastly, arm to leg ratios (intermembral index).
1 Brachial index is = (R) radius length divided by(H)humerus length x 100
2 Crucial index is = (T)tibia length divided by (F)femur length x 100
3 Intermembral index is = combined lengths of the the radius and humerus divided by the combined lengths of the tibia and femur [( R+H) ÷ (T+F)] x 100
Think about these numbers as a base 100. That is equal to, greater than, or less than 100. Also, how far from 100 as base for comparison.
* For example lower numbers indicate terrestrial bipedalism as locomotor type.
* Numbers 100 or greater indicate arboreal locomotion ( tree dwellers).
* Numbers between the and the high indicate a combination of locomotor types.
This information is obvious to view in that we can see these animals alive. However, we cannot see animals who are extinct. The upcoming sections are to examine the fossil record and to if what we see in the present also relates to the past. That is, we may be able to determine the locomotor patterns for animals we believe are closely related to humans such as Australopithecus afarensis. This is our evolutionary connection to the past.
Brachial index
1a.Completed math for the functions for the brachial-index.

Species ID #


Radius length

Humerus length

Brachial Index Total

4.Orangutan (Sumatran orangutan)Pongo abelii http://paleodb.org/?a=basicTaxonInfo&taxon_no=232339



34.67/35.05 =0.99 x 100=100

5.Gorilla (Western gorilla) Gorilla gorilla http://paleodb.org/?a=basicTaxonInfo&taxon_no=231497



33.19/40.54 =0.82 x 100=82

6.Human (human) Homo sapiens sapiens http://paleodb.org/?a=basicTaxonInfo&taxon_no=83088



24.57/34.02 =0.72 x 100= 72

1b. A higher number closer to 100 indicates more equal lengths of radius to humerus lengths and an arboreal locomotor type (tree dwelling). Based on the numbers in the brachial index table list all the species which show as tree dwellers. (2 pts)
Orangutan (Sumatran Orangutan)
1c. A lower number closer to 80 indicates a longer humerus and a terrestrial locomotor type with ability to climb. Based on the numbers in the brachial index table list all the species which indicate a combination of locomotor types (arboreal and terrestrial). (2 pts)
Gorilla (Western Gorilla)
1d. A lowest number closer to 70 indicates a much longer humerus and a terrestrial locomotor type (on the ground). Based on the numbers in the brachial index table list all the species which show as true ground dwellers. (2 pts)
1e. Which species are more closely grouped together. Pick two of the three. (2 pts)
Gorilla and Humans
Crucial index
2a.Complete the math for the functions of the crucial index


Species ID #


Tibia length

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