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Measuring Happiness: The Happiest Country in the World

Essay Instructions:

Hi this assignment is about Measuring Happiness. Please be very detail and precise to questions.
You will be watching two short on two different countries, Denmark and Bhutan, commonly cited as the happiest in the world:
Oprah Visits the Happiest Country in the World | The Oprah Winfrey Show (https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=_sdVVltFk9E)
The World's Happiest Country? - Trailer
Describe the videos and use the information presented to specify three variables associated with happiness in the two countries.
Read this report on Gallup-Healthway’s Positive Experience Index, which ranked 38 countries in terms of happiness. Briefly describe how the survey measures happiness or “positive emotions.” Summarize the findings. Why do you think all but one of the ten highest-ranking countries is in Latin America?
Also read on WalletHub’s study on happiness in the US: 2015’s Most and Least Happy States in America. Briefly describe how the survey measures happiness. Summarize the findings. Why do you think the five least happy states are all in the south? Discuss anything else you find interesting about the results, e.g., what they show about the relation between money and happiness.
Formulate two hypotheses about happiness, one where happiness is the dependent variable and one where happiness is the independent variable. Present the causal logic behind your hypotheses.
This essay has to be written and cited in ASA format!

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Measuring Happiness
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Measuring Happiness
After watching the two videos about the happiest countries in the world, there are certain reasons behind the happiness of the people in these countries. In Denmark, there is a very low prevalence of poverty due to support by the government meaning that there is a lower rate of people who suffer in the search of income. The Danish government focuses on free health services and a free education to inspire a healthy and well-educated population which is vital for the happiness of the citizens. By alleviating poverty to the best of its efforts, the Danish government preserves happiness within its people (OWN 2015). In Bhutan, happiness is not related to wealth rather it is a state of mind that focuses on happiness. While other countries strive to achieve economic development, the people of Bhutan inspire happiness by living in harmony with the natural environment and ignoring the influence of technology and material wealth. Their religion and superstition inspires peace which is vital for the happiness of a society (Journeyman Pictures 2014).
According to Gallup-Heathway’s Positive Experience Index, happiness is measured in terms of the positive attitudes that lead to positive emotions which in turn lead to happiness. The report measures happiness in terms of reactions to questions about positive emotions. The “yes” results are used to generate an index that is based on positive experiences by the citizens of these countries. The reason why most of the happiest regions are in Latin America is because there have been high percentages of people experiencing positive emotions in these countries except in Syria where there has been unrest and chaos for a period of time (Clifton 2014).
In America, Wallet Hub’s study measures happiness in terms of wealth and how money is indeed related to happiness. According to their findings, the happiest states are those with a high population of rich people and an overall presence of wealth. The least happy states are i...
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