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SSP100-003 BUZZ Chocolate Company’s Website Observation

Essay Instructions:

SSP100-003:  BUZZ: The Art & Design of Caffeine Fall 2017Professor Mimi Hellman
Actively read and annotate Ellen E. Moore, “Raising the Bar: The Complicated Consumption of Chocolate,” in Food for Thought: Essays on Eating and Culture, ed. Lawrence C. Rubin (Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland, 2008), 67-82.
As always, persist until you understand the main ideas and look up unfamiliar terms using a reputable reference source.  I recommend Merriam Webster Unabridged for basic word definitions and Credo Reference or Oxford Reference for information about places, events, people, etc.  These sources are available via Library web page > Quick Links > Reference Sources (http://libguides(dot)skidmore(dot)edu/c.php?g=35904&p=227870). 

The Commentary should be 4-5 typed pages of well organized, focused, thoughtful observations.  Use any format that enables you to convey your points clearly.  I recommend detailed bullet points if the essay format does not come easily.  
Feel free to discuss the assignment with one another, and to consult tutors at the Writing Center or Student Academic Services.  However, your written responses must be entirely your own words and ideas.
Choose one of the following websites:Hershey’s:  www(dot)hersheys(dot)com Godiva:  http://www(dot)godiva(dot)com/ Lake Champlain Chocolates:  http://www(dot)lakechamplainchocolates(dot)com/ 
In your Commentary, explain how the website presents specific ideas about chocolate through the following aspects:
The visual depiction of chocolate (notice how chocolate is located within the compositions of particular pages, how its production & packaging are depicted, how its color & texture are depicted, and how depictions of chocolate relate to other imagery).
The use of language to describe chocolate products & production, consumer experience, and company history (notice the kinds of information provided & thematically related wording).
Images and/or written depictions of chocolate consumers, or implications about the social identities & interests of consumers.
Aspects of chocolate that are NOT depicted or discussed.

DO NOT use the above checklist as the structure for your Commentary!  Rather, identify at least two main ideas about chocolate that are in tension with one another.  Lead with these ideas and back them up with lots of evidence.  You are not expected to discuss every part of the website, but should draw evidence from at least four different pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art and Design of Caffeine
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
October 27, 2017
Among all of the confectionaries that are being sold in the market, chocolates are perhaps, the most popular in terms of consumer perception and actual sales revenues. On one hand, I believe that this because of our taste buds which seems to be innately addicted with its exquisite taste and texture. On the other hand, this could also be due to the fact that chocolates have been an integral part of our culture ever since civilization began. In line with these two ideas presented the author believes that these days, companies are using a combination of the visual aspect of chocolates as well as language and captions in order to relate these delicacies into cultural traditions and other timely events. This strategic use of both media then, greatly emphasizes our need and want to eat these confectionaries. More particularly, he believes that chocolate companies advertise these confectionaries by using vivid and colorful photos, adding up to a appealing visual element which allows the viewer’s to feel as if they’re actually tasting it themselves. And by combining these visual elements with the “catchy” captions about the ongoing events and traditions, these advertisements allow the viewers to think that they actually have to buy chocolates, because it is not only a want, but more so a need. In order to provide a stunning example of this kind of case, I have chosen Hershey’s as my main point of discussion. In the latter sections, I would be looking at their website while analyzing how they showcase their products in relation to the two aspects that I have stated above.
The Power of Visual Depictions
By going to the company’s main website, any viewer would see that Hershey’s tries to showcase their products with high quality images of chocolates. The main site is very minimalistic in nature with texts occupying a very small space relative to the pictures and depictions of the products. Even the main menu, as presented below, has a very simple interface which uses simple icons and block letter in white font.
As for pictures, the images of chocolates occupy a very large estate and are depicted with vivid colors and texture that feels as if they are real and present. Upon a closer contemplation about the website, I noticed that the focal point is placed on the chocolates themselves because it is placed in contrast to a background that is simply filled with a single color as well as captions that are in block letters written in white. In other words, because of this simplicity of the surrounding canvass, the images of the chocolates become the most noticeable part of the pictures. Nevertheless, this visual depiction is not only limited towards the use of simple backgrounds and vivid pictures. Showcasing the packaging is sometimes done, but most of the times it was simply not shown to show the actual chocolates and increase its “temptational value”. The only instances where the packaging was exhibited was when they wanted to show its design, such as the Halloween Kisses.
I also noticed that the images are showcased in a way that relates to the timely events. In their website, Hershey’s have designed their chocolates for the Halloween season and added pictures (and videos) showing how their products would be a good idea for Halloween, or more particularly as a gift for Trick or Treat. However, I believe that despite the heavy emphasis on the vividness of their images, it is the caption and the texts added which made it more compelling and enticing for its viewers. Another thing that I noticed in the website was that the chocolates were showcased in a way where they are related to ideas and possible uses of their products. In some of their pictu...
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