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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
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How The Audience Can Influence The Type Of Performed Music

Essay Instructions:

Samantha Assignment #2: Looking at the exemplars explored in this unit, explain how the intended audience of a musical event can influence the type of music that's performed there, and vice-versa. Length: 500-1000 words. 

The exemplars are


Early music as ethnography

HIP (historically-informed performance)

First Nations musicking.

You consider all of these exemplars, and even any that you know from your personal experience, to discuss how audience informs musical events.

Writing Assignment Rubric

A successful paper will:

--Describe the defining physical and/or social and/or political qualities of each of the settings or audiences or rituals or musical works explored in the module units.

--Analyze four or more musical examples to highlight how various elements of each example has been influenced by the physical and/or social and/or political setting/audience/ritual/musical work tradition to which it belongs.

--Make connections between the different settings/audience/ritual/musical work tradition explored in this module, by comparing and/or contrasting the overarching ways in which they've influenced a specific genre of music.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Music Assignment What does an audience look for in a music event or concert? Different studies have explored how music concerts attract visual attention and how to keep the audience engaged from the beginning till the end. Gaze is considered an indicator of visual attention, but the gaze of a music concert’s audience has remained unclear even when we know that visual information leaves a good impression on the audience. Musicking is an art of attracting more and more people and cannot be restricted to performers, musicians, and composers. For instance, a music concert or performance would be considered incomplete if a large number of people hadn’t appreciated it. Participation of the musicians or performers is not enough, because without an audience, the concerts, live shows or performances will always be considered useless and meaningless. Similarly, the ideas of historically informed performance, gospel and ethnography cannot be presented until or unless an audience is involved in sharing its point-of-view. It’s safe to say that the audiences leave a good or bad impact on the performance of a singer or the entire concert. For instance, if people don’t love your performance, you might not consider music as a profession and would like to opt for another career. Similarly, if they dislike your compositions or lyrics, you would definitely stop writing or attempt to improve yourself. And of course, if they like and appreciate you, that will be a plus point for your career, and you will be ready to work harder. Taking into ac...
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