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Interviewing Strategies

Essay Instructions:

(1) interview someone (via Phone or Zoom) who interviews prospective employees in the field you are interested in pursuing. (Finance industry such as Investment Banking, consulting, banking...) Inquire as to what they are and are not looking for in candidates – education, experience, personal qualities, etc. Find out how you can research the industry, their company and what their recruitment methods are. Ask them to share some typical and atypical questions they would use in the interview situation. Write a summary of this discussion, how you managed to get the interview and the relevant information obtained. Paper should be approximately 4 typed, double-spaced pages.


(2)Choose a job interview you have gone on and document the process, proceeding from how you found out about the position, to what you wore, how you prepared, highlights of the interview, an assessment of your performance and any follow-up activities. The summary of this process should be approximately 4 typed, double-spaced pages.

No need for citation! I will attatched the instruction and a few interview questions that are listed in my class as a reference. Just for Reference. Please write a specific one because it is the final paper for the course and it is 40% of the total grade. Thank you.

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The last summer holiday I worked as a movie theatre cashier with Imax in our town. It was a great experience and I learnt a lot of things during my short stint there. This is my experience from how I found out about the job, how I applied for it, the interview process and when the theatre manager called me up with the job offer.
How I found out about the job
One evening I had gone to watch a Marvel in the nearby movie theatre. I arrived earlier and took a seat in the lobby waiting for the movie to start. There was a TV running trailers, company adverts and notices to the people in the lobby. I noticed that the company had advertised for a cashier position and if anyone was interested, he/she could pick up application forms from the front desk. I proceeded and picked them and since I wanted to do a thorough job with the application, I decided to take the application home and drop it the following day. After filling the application form at home, I dropped my application at the front desk the following day.
Three days later, someone called from the movie theatre company and invited me for an interview. The interview was scheduled for 8.30 am and I arrived about an hour earlier. I was the first person to get to the interview and I started chatting with the cinema employees long before my interview began. At the time I did not have a suit and a tie but I made sure I looked presentable. I wore black pants and a white shirt. In the days before I came for the interview, I had tried to learn as much as possible about the job. I had followed people in the industry on LinkedIn, Glassdoor and googled about the position itself and what it entails. I also attempted to read about the company itself and the industry in general to give me an edge over any questions the interviewers may ask about the industry. Additionally, though I love watching movies, I also researched and watched trailers about upcoming movies to be able to answer any movie-related questions.
Highlights of the Interview:
After inviting me to take a seat to begin the interview, the interviewing panel seemed to ask ‘unconventional’ questions. Questions about the job position and why I had applied among others were never asked. Rather, the interviewing panel seemed to ask questions to understand my character and personality rather than finding out about my competence and skillset necessary for the actual job itself. Below I have detailed some of the questions they asked me about the job and how I responded.
Why did you apply for this job? I informed them that I really wanted to do any job I could qualify for to supplement my parents’ savings for my college tuition. I informed them I wanted to ensure that I’d take the least possible student loan possible and hence I would try to work before I consider taking a student loan.
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