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How Feedbacks and Feed Forwarding is Important in Formative and Summative Assessment

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will encourage students to apply the learning from the module to a topic and will be submitted in form of an essay.
Part 1 - Essay (1,500 words) – 50%
Discuss the importance of reflective learning and describe how a reflective approach to feedback and feedforward can inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work.
The guidance below sets out the requirements of the task and a suggested structure for the essay.
Introduction (150 words) your introduction should state the aim of the essay, define reflective learning and other key concepts and outline the content of the essay. The content of the essay should include a relevant model of reflection, description of a reflective approach to feedback and feedforward and how this can inform and improve formative and summative assessments.
First body paragraph (400 words) should describe reflection and reflective approach to learning, using a relevant model of reflection (e.g., Gibbs, 1988)
Second body paragraph (400 words) should describe the nature of feedback and feedforward, and the use of your chosen model for reflection on feedback and feedforward
Third body paragraph (400 words) should describe how a reflective approach to feedback and feedforward can inform and improve future formative and summative assessments.
Conclusion (150 words) your conclusion should link back to the aim of the essay and briefly restate your main points in addition to your final thought or reflection on the significance of the topic.
Word count: 1500 words +/– 150 words.
You must reference all information used in the essay, using the Harvard Referencing Guide.
See attached grid for grade descriptors.
1. The task requirement is an essay not a report or reflective journal. You must therefore ensure that your structure, outline, content, style and presentation accord with academic writing conventions for an essay.
2. You must use the correct Canterbury Harvard Referencing conventions* for your in-text citations and reference list
3. You must use and reference at least four of the core texts and academic resource materials provided in Moodle.
4. You must use a minimum of 15 sources including textbooks, journals and other reliable and credible published and web sources.
Do not use Wikipedia or unverifiable blogs
5. Include your student ID number, module name, tutor name, academic year/group bubble in your cover page which should be the first page of your essay
*Please refer to the Canterbury Harvard Referencing Guide.
Referencing and research requirements
Please reference your work according to the Canterbury Harvard style guidance which you can access on Moodle
How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed on the extent to which it demonstrates your achievement of the stated learning outcomes for this assignment (see above) and against other key criteria, as defined in the University’s institutional grading descriptors. If it is appropriate to the format of your assignment and your subject area, a proportion of your marks will also depend upon your use of academic referencing conventions.
This assignment will be marked according to the grading descriptors for Level 0.
Submission details
This assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle (module tutors will discuss this process with you during class time).
• Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format (Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, or PDF are the most widely used; Google Docs is also accepted). Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
• You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
• Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of your assignment
• You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the University website. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
Submission date and time
This assignment should be submitted before 14:00 UK time on TBC
For conformity,
It is essential to use the assignment guide in conjunction with the assignment brief.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Reflective Learning: Feedback and Feed-Forwarding
Reflection engagement is critical in higher education, and it should be practiced in university course design. Reflective learning requires studying and examining a certain circumstance provoked by experiences clarifying and creating meaning on them. A study by Quinton and Smallbone (2010, p.126) argues that reflection involves a mental process whereby the learner thinks of past situations, analyzes them, and concludes how it affects the future. Most tutors use feedback to help the students improve on their past assignments, allowing them to learn new things. Feedback reading helps ensure the students understand the scenario perfectly before deciding the action they should take (Gonzalez 2018, para.2). On the other hand, feed forwarding is a learning technique where tutors concentrate on improving the future results of learners instead of grading and judging the learners. The paper will give insight on reflective learning showing how feedbacks and feed forwarding is important in informing and improving formative and summative assessment.
Reflection is the act of analyzing past experiences to come up with clarity on how it affects the current life or the future. The process involves learning through daily encounters. Also, it helps in exploring, guiding, and improving the situation of certain circumstances (Brush 2021, para.4). Reflection comes due to the negative and unpleasant situation that requires individuals to identify the problem and develop a perfect solution in the future. Even so, it can be triggered with positive results in the past that a person wants to assess to repeat the success (Dulfer & Koopaei 2021, p.128). For many decades, educationists have been using a reflective approach to train students. The approach requires the tutors to analyze past results of the student and come up with feedback that can direct them on how to perform better in the future. In such a scenario, the students have the task of determining whether to take the comments positively and change or assume and remain with a low grade. Teaching reflection demands integration and planning into learners' course of study, creating various chances of engaging with reflective learning during the entire course (Quinton & Smallbone 2010, p.125).
Wain (2017, p.276) says the reflective approach to learning needs a relevant model to deliver good results. The model helps in the creation of order which an individual follows in reflection. Students should have a well-structured reflection model that promotes demonstration of their ability in learning. Additionally, models are significant in creating an understanding of a person's thinking and learning strategies. Also, it gives structures on how one can relate their previous information to their new knowledge and come up with a perfect conclusion on a certain challenge for an excellent result in the future (Zangori et al. 2017, p.590). Apart from the various uses of reflection models, it is especially beneficial in states where feedbacks and updates are needed.
The model of reflection works by consciously analyzing and thinking about what happened previously, what is happening currently, and what has been learned and experienced. Each model follows a specific order, and it can at times combine with other models to come up with marvelous results. The joining of different models needs one model to be the foundation strategy, and the others give considerations and questions to take care of the many other areas that have failed (Mulryan-Kyne 2021, p.67). CARL model, Gibbs reflective cycle, Boud’s triangular representation, John's model of structural reflection, and Atkins and Murphy model are the common models that learners can choose for their learning process. The choice made will determine the outcome of the process. The paper will use Gibbs reflective cycle as an example.
The Gibbs reflective cycle involves examining personal feelings, their impact on the situation, and experience reflection (Nipp 2018, p.356). Furthermore, prompt questioning at each stage completes the structure. The reflective cycle has six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. The description stage involves expounding on the situation to develop clarity on the status of the encounter. Fang and Wang (2019, p.96) assert that questions are asked to ensure all the facts are collected at this stage. Second, the feelings stage gives the individual to express their thoughts about the specific occurrence. One must be honest enough to guarantee the entire process is reliable. Biasness in this stage might lead to completely fault results because the entire structure depends on the thoughts to determine the problem that requires a solution.
Additionally, evaluation of the experience is crucial. The step involves expounding on good and bad encounters to identify the places one should change and those they should maintain (Noon & Eyre 2020, p.87). The stage avoids repetition of past mistakes and time wastage in rethinking areas that already have a solution. Moreover, the analysis stage makes sense of the situation. The stage requires a person to study the previous events, thoughts, and evaluation to establish the actual state determining the places they should change (Abatayo 2020, p.1159). The conclusion is about agreeing on what you have learned and what can be done differently in the future. Lastly, action plan step. The stage states how individuals plan to handle a similar situation to avoid past mistakes and succeed.
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