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Use of Robotics in Healthcare Technology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

UWRT 150

Research Paper Draft and Final Essay


Length:  1500 words / Six double-spaced pages for the essay.  Please note:  the entries in your bibliography do NOT count as part of the 1500 words.


Due dates:      RESEARCH PROPOSAL is due October 23rd at 5 PM.


scholarly sources is due November 6th at 5 PM.


November 13th.   

                        FINAL ESSAY is due December 2nd at 5 PM.

                        Submit all four assignments using MyCourses.


Special note:  Once you have submitted the research proposal, you need to send me an e-mail if there is a substantial change in your research topic.  You will be required to re-submit the research proposal and the annotated bibliography if there is a major change in your topic.

Format:  The proposal, bibliography, draft, and final essay must be typed and double spaced.  The draft and final essay must have a meaningful title.  Your name, my name, the course number, and the date should go in the upper left corner of the first page of all four assignments; the essay’s title should be centered below that information on the first and final draft.  Use MLA citation:  parenthetical citation for all quoted or paraphrased outside sources, and all outside sources listed on a Works Cited page in MLA bibliographic format.  The Works Cited page attached to the first and final drafts should NOT have the annotations.  You may use the first person in this essay.


Outside sources: You must use at least five reliable scholarly sources for this assignment; scholarly sources are books from university or scholarly presses; essays from scholarly journals; original materials for historical research; interviews or surveys; and factual data from reliable, responsible sources.  You may use other sources such as websites, newspapers, and popular magazines, but these are in addition to the five scholarly sources.  Cite all sources using MLA format.


Topic:  Your purpose is to write a research paper on a topic of deep and genuine interest to you that is related to a topic you identified on the second day of class.  You may choose to inform your audience about your topic, to analyze some aspect of your topic, or to argue about an issue affecting or affected by your topic, but in each case, the essay must be based on careful and extensive research.  Report and analyze information and/or argue a position while balancing your stance with the stance of others.  Your task is not to summarize your sources but to assess and respond to them, and then to use them to support your own position or analysis. Support your ideas with brief quotations from at least five scholarly sources.  Be sure to cite every quotation, paraphrase, or summary using MLA format.


You have something important to add to the conversation on your topic.  Use the analytical tools you used in your first essay to develop critical responses to the research materials you use, and use the skills you learned in your second essay to synthesize conflicting views.   Organize your own ideas about your topic into a conversation with the ideas, data, and speculation you find in your outside reading and research.  Your primary purpose here is to show that you can use your authority as a writer and researcher to contribute to a larger intellectual conversation about a topic that interests you.  Please do not plagiarize.  Please take the time to proofread carefully. 


Research Proposal Details:  The research proposal is a one-page summary of your research project.  It should include the following elements: 

  1. Your research question.
  2. A brief (one-paragraph) account of the research you have completed (process you followed; sources you consulted).
  3. A brief (one-paragraph) account of the research you plan to do.

Annotated Bibliography Details: The annotated bibliography should contain five scholarly sources.  For each source, you must include an MLA bibliography entry, and a two or three sentence assessment of the source.  How will it be useful to you in your research?  Do not summarize the source, or cut and paste its abstract; focus on what ideas or facts it contains that you will use.  Put the sources in alphabetical order by author’s surname.  Anonymous sources are placed at the beginning of the list in alphabetical order by their titles.



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Use of Robotics in Healthcare
Robots are applied in almost every sector of the world economy, from manufacturing, trade, big data, selling, buying, and more. Evidence shows that the use of robots in healthcare is growing (Salmon). Robots are described as very powerful computers fitted with powerful software placed within bodies of different sizes. They can act rationally, similar to human beings. There are many areas where robots can be used in healthcare. Over the years, we have already experienced robots as surgical assistants, and more research is being done to see how robotics can be applied effectively in healthcare. Numerous robotic innovations have been introduced in the healthcare sector. They are intended to enhance care quality, assist in certain types of therapies, manage patient healthcare information, and provide patient care. When we consider events similar to the ones, we are experiencing in 2020, especially at the onset of Coronavirus, we can say that having robotics in healthcare is important. They can be used to enhance safety and safeguard practitioners against diseases like COVID-19. The essay analyzes the state of robotic usage in healthcare, evaluating various literature and understand the current states, where robots are used, and the future of healthcare with robotics.
Application of Technology in Healthcare
The place of robots within the healthcare sector is expanding faster, and in the near future, we may see more departments and roles being managed by robots. Some of the roles being taken up by robots include offering assistance during surgeries, disinfecting rooms, giving company, and dispensing medication. These are some of the tasks that robots will be dominated if the current developments continue as they are. When robots are used in healthcare, the goals are to enhance health quality, improve the users' lifestyle, and enhance the effectiveness of the care processes (Broadbent, Stafford, and MacDonald 319).
With the current increase in the aging population, it is projected that more people will need immediate assistance and monitoring. Moreover, the aging population implies that there will be more people living with chronic conditions, which may mandate close monitoring and company. In order to address this potential danger, "robots have been proposed as one form of assistive device that can help bridge the widening gap between the need and supply of healthcare services" (Broadbent, Stafford, and MacDonald 319). While we are still an era that robots are not so common in the sectors or offices, we seek services, and we have already experienced the power of robots in films and television shows. Through exposure to robots, we can perceive their ability and usefulness in the healthcare sector. The roles that robots can undertake are many, we just need the right approach in implementation.
COVID-19 Outbreak and Robotic Application
From the potential use of robots in providing care for the aged population, there is a high potential to see the many advantages of robots in healthcare. Most people in the western nation live on their own, which means that they may need closer care in the coming years. The robotics can be used to enhance care delivery, provide assistance during critical cases, and deliver certain therapies without a doctor's need. There is a revolution in the healthcare sector, coming from robotics. During the outbreak of Covid-19, there were robots used to deliver care to patients. Robots were used to assist patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to communicate with their family members. Through the use of robots in this scenario, the level of stress among patients reduced, and they were more responsive to therapies being introduced. The robot, nicknamed Pepper, "also reduced hospital staff risk levels by decreasing the need for physical contact with patients" (Bayern). This event proves that the use of robots in the healthcare sector is a viable investment, and people must be prepared to embrace them in the coming years.
We have already seen how the recent application of robots in caring for Coronavirus patients was effective. This means that robots can take up more roles. The global pandemic offered opportunities to rethink the way people can deliver care, especially when deadly conditions such as Coronavirus emerges (Nichols 39). When we view these developments in the backdrop of happenings about three decades ago, we can say that we have advanced much, and the future of healthcare lies with robotics. In Singapore, patient rooms within hospitals were also disinfected using light strike robots. This is evidence that "with the recent jump in COVID-19 cases, the healthcare system is being stretched, and the disinfection robots can help minimize infection risks and avoid human error" (Chanthadavong 39). Through this pandemic, there is an increas...
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