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The balance between Accountability, Integrity, and Reliability!

Essay Instructions:

The balance between Accountability, Integrity, and Reliability! How to balance it and what is the right equilibrium for all three.

Use aviation and avionics as examples

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The balance between Accountability, Integrity, and Reliability! How to balance it and what is the right equilibrium for all three.
The values of accountability, integrity, reliability are essential as they influence credibility in an organization’s mission, integrity requires professional conduct and objectivity and in reliability, there is dependability and consistency. Typically, where there is an emphasis on integrity there is a focus on high standards and accountability. An unlawful act can by omission or commission reflects the lack of responsibility and accountability. Among aviation and avionics industry professionals there is a moral obligation and commitment to act right in all certain situations, where people are honest, accountable, act with integrity and are reliable. 
Independent evaluation of situations requires taking responsibility as there are accountability, integrity and reliability. When balancing the three values one needs to consider the professional standards, moral code and ethical decision-making. This is essential when balancing accountability, integrity and reliability and there is compliance with the information expectations of the stakeholders. This is essential as the highest standards of personal integrity are required for there to be integrity in both personal life and the workplace (McCall & Pruchnicki, 2017). The three values embody the aviation and avionics industry values, and especially in workplaces that build a climate that promotes accountability, integrity and reliability.
Actions and words affect an individual’s and firm’s reputation and there are disciplinary measures when there is lack of integrity and fail to take accountability for their actions. Balancing the three values requires values ​​and policies and reliability can be measured using performance indicators. Professionals exercise the duty of care and are knowledgeable where there is an obligation to take responsibility for actions, act with honesty and be reliable,
Accountability culture is essential in the aviation and avionics industry where there is safety management to reduce risks and maintain the reputation of the companies. Access to information and social oversight are useful to maintain transparency and accountability. A workplace culture that combat corruption is associated with accountability, and also links integrity and reliability since there is proper governance in a corruption-free environment. The three values are mutually beneficial and occur at the same time in an organization and the industry. As such, promoting and maintaining the professional code of conduct is beneficial to incorporate the three values.
In order to respond appropriately, it is necessary that aviation and avionics professionals have the ability to do so and comply with the industry’s regulations. This requires that there is accountability and integrity and that they make decisions that ensure reliability. The three values are required for the proper functioning of systems and the industry professionals ensuring there is the maintenance of proper safety standards. When there are accountability individuals own up to what they are doing they take responsibility (McCall & Pruchnicki, 2017). There can be no integrity if individuals and the workplace culture do not allow one to be held responsible for the actions and decisions
Integrity is closely linked with reliability when an individual or organization is dependable and also linked with accountability where one takes responsibility for their decisions in a consistent manner. The probability that a system performs the required security functions satisfactorily under all established conditions also reflects system integrity and reliability. Since integrity assurance processes reduce risks it is expected that ethical conduct improves accountability. There is trust that there is professionalism when there is integrity and strict adherence to the code of ethics and taking responsibility.
Integrity is linked to ethical codes and values and is integrated with other principles such as honesty, respect and transparency in professional interactions. In professional relationships and duties, individuals are responsible, truthful and respect the relationships where there is mutual trust in professional practice. Another approach to integrity is focusing on consistency between values ​​expectations and expectations of how people ought to behave. Integrity is a personal choice where there is a commitment to consistency, valuing ethical decision-making values ​​and principles. In ethics, integrity is reflected as the transparency of personal actions, unlike falsehoods or decep...
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