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Technology Essay: Global Positioning Systems

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper on the basic concepts of the US GPS system including the WAAS augmentation system. Then outline the GNSS systems of GLONASS , GALilEO, and BAIDU and how they differ from the US system. Finally discuss the future of international cooperation with GNSS.

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Global Positioning Systems
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) offer essential functions that involve positioning and timing needed for various devices' daily operations, just like the Internet of Things links a strong information stream between individuals and globe powering processes. GNSS utilizes satellite technology to offer insight into the connected devices' geographic location. GNSS is a broad term that describes different global systems such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou. This paper discusses GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou global systems showing their differences and the international cooperation future with GNSS.
GPS is the most senior GNSS system, thus being considered the GNSS world pioneer. It began functioning in 1978; however, it was officially made available to be used worldwide in 1994. It was discovered due to the need to acquire a military navigating system that was independent. As it was being established, increased complexity was incorporated into the GPS to ensure it was highly accurate and secure against spoofing and jamming attempts. GPS functions in an L-Band frequency, a radio spectrum's portion is ranging between 1 GHz and 2. Currently, GPS, compared to other systems worldwide it the most accurate.
Global systems such as GPS get assistance from regional augmentation networks like the Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS). Every regional system provides unique benefits across different frequencies' range. Using a combination of constellations is advisable because it combines the benefits of those constellations. Such systems give data required for safe aircraft navigation. In America, WAAS currently depends on the 3-leased geostationary system, a sputnik based on the Augmentation systems, which aligns with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. The WAAS goal is to effectively augment the GPS performance by improving accuracy and increasing integrity to satisfy civil aviation's operational performance necessities for any navigation process.
The Global Navigation Satellite System's constellation belonging to the Russian Federation contains 24 satellites allocated in three different orbital planes. Its satellites are put in orbits that are roughly circular and have an altitude range of 18840-19440 km. The satellite's orbit planes are set apart by the ascending node's 120-degree right-side ascension. The system has eight navigating satellites equally placed in every orbit plane at a 45-degree latitude augment. The satellite's orbital plains contain a latitude displacement argument relative to every orbit and of 15 degrees.
Galileo is a European GNSS that started offering its services in 2016 and is compatible with GLONASS and GPS. Its receiver function is to track its satellite constellations' position, referred to as the "GALILEO Reference System," by incorporating triangulation principles and satellite technology. The system has three primary parts, which are space, ground, and user segments. The space segment's fundamental function is to transmit and generate carrier phase and code signals using a particular Galileo signal device. On the other hand, the ground segment is essential because it controls the whole constellation. The user segment has Galileo receivers that track the satellite's constellations' coordinates to give accurate timing.
BeiDou is a navigation system for the Chinese with two different sat...
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