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How to Improve Traffic Operation

Essay Instructions:

                                                How to Improve Traffic Operation


  • To discover the new technologies that involve in improving traffic operation
  • To understand what are the ways to improve traffic operation
  1.        I.            Introduction
  2.     II.            Traffic Signalization
  • Safety and Traffic Flow
  • Simple Strategies with Big Payoffs
  • How Traffic Signals Work
  • When Is a Signal Needed?
  • Traffic Signal Maintenance
  • Legal Aspects
  • Funding Traffic Signal Improvements


  1.  III.            Traffic Operations
  • Converting two-way streets to one-way operation,
  • Two-way street left turn restrictions,
  • Continuous median strip for left turn lanes,
  • Channelized roadway and intersections,
  • Roadway and intersection widening and reconstruction.


  1.  IV.             Enforcement and Management
  • Enforcement for all of the actions described in this table,
  • Incident Management Systems,
  • Ramp metering.


  1.     V.            Conclusion
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How to Improve Traffic Operation
Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433231" I. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc403433231 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433232" II. Traffic Signalization  PAGEREF _Toc403433232 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433233" Safety and Traffic Flow  PAGEREF _Toc403433233 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433234" Simple Strategies with Big Payoffs  PAGEREF _Toc403433234 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433235" How Traffic Signals Work  PAGEREF _Toc403433235 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433236" When Is a Signal Needed?  PAGEREF _Toc403433236 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433237" Traffic Signal Maintenance  PAGEREF _Toc403433237 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433238" Legal Aspects  PAGEREF _Toc403433238 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433239" Funding Traffic Signal Improvements  PAGEREF _Toc403433239 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433240" III. Traffic Operations  PAGEREF _Toc403433240 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433241" Converting Two-Way Streets to One-Way Operation  PAGEREF _Toc403433241 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433242" Two-Way Street Left Turn Restrictions  PAGEREF _Toc403433242 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433243" Continuous Median Strip for Left Turn Lanes  PAGEREF _Toc403433243 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433244" Channelized Roadway and Intersections  PAGEREF _Toc403433244 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433245" Roadway and Intersection Widening and Reconstruction  PAGEREF _Toc403433245 \h 12
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433246" IV. Enforcement and Management  PAGEREF _Toc403433246 \h 13
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433247" Enforcement for All of the Actions Described In This Table  PAGEREF _Toc403433247 \h 13
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433248" Incident Management Systems  PAGEREF _Toc403433248 \h 14
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433249" Ramp Metering  PAGEREF _Toc403433249 \h 14
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433250" V. Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc403433250 \h 15
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433251" VI. Recommendation  PAGEREF _Toc403433251 \h 15
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc403433252" Works Cited  PAGEREF _Toc403433252 \h 16

Today, traffic congestion has become a major menace in many cities in the world. The trend, which seems to grow unabated, is not only affecting the major cities, but also small cities. The reason for traffic congestions in the cities lies in various factors such as increase in the number of vehicles in roads, urban population growth, and lack of infrastructural preparedness to accommodate increases in the vehicles, among others. Traffic congestions are usually costly not only to the vehicles’ owners but also to the government. Congestions cause environmental pollution owing to the idling engines, emitting dangerous fumes (California Energy Commission 24). It also results to huge costs associated with increased fuel consumption, much of which is wasted when cars are held in traffic congestions. Sometimes traffic congestions provoke some drivers to break traffic rules by violating certain rules that if followed, results to their held-down in slow traffic flow. Such behaviours could be dangerous as they may cause road accidents. In this regard, it is necessary that government and relevant bodies adopt strategies that would help mitigate the traffic nuisance resulting from traffic congestions. Some of such strategies may include adjusting and improving traffic signal system, and reconstructing and adjusting roads in ways to promote efficient traffic flow (Gordon 15). This paper seeks to discuss new technologies that involve improving traffic operations through which traffic congestions can be tackled. It will focus on the various ways of improving traffic operation such as traffic signaling, adjusting traffic flows on roads and further reconstruction and modification of roads to facilitate the process. Through these, there would be much pay-offs in terms of saved time, reduced costs of fuel and much benefits to the environment.
Traffic Signalization
Safety and Traffic Flow
Traffic congestion is a situation where a transportation system such as roads, fails to conveniently, accommodate a huge number of people trying to use the facility at a given time (Korve 6). Although many may find traffic congestion to be a normal thing that people have to live with, owing to developmental prosperity, others consider it a source of serious consequences to the society. Traffic congestion is blamed for slow traffic flow that causes delays, waste of fuel, and environmental pollution. It is further associated with incidences of accidents on roads. For instance, congestions are sometimes, characterized by vehicles getting through intersections or stop-and-go traffic, which results to accidents (Gordon 18). Other drivers may fall into temptations to break traffic rules by going through unsafe by-passes or violating the red-light traffic signal in an attempt to make up for lost time, ending up causing an accident. Road safety is an important element of the roads and should be addressed with the seriousness it deserves. Proper strategies of ensuring reduction in traffic congestion should be adopted to facilitate efficient traffic flow and safety for all road users.
Simple Strategies with Big Payoffs
Many motorists experience much of their traffic delays at signalized intersections where they have to wait for the green light to proceed with their journey. Such delays can be very costly in terms of time (Korve 17). However, there are ways through which the timing of the signals can be optimized to reduce the delays experienced by drivers. In the cities where the traffic signals are outdated and cannot work effectively, then it is recommendable that such signals be replaced with more updated ones that are designed to facilitate faster traffic flow. On the other hand, adjustments without hardware upgrades can be made of the signal timing of the old signals, to make them more effective at facilitating faster traffic flow than previous. The costs of such adjustments are low and could help save the waste of fuel, which could translate to saving millions of dollars. According to research, it is estimated that improving traffic signals, which can costs less than $3000 per signal per year, can increase the travelling time by 12 -25 percent and reduce traffic accidents considerably (Korve 31).
How Traffic Signals Work
Traffic signals are designed to automatically assign different traffic movements the right of way at a traffic intersection. In this way, they help control the movement of traffic in order to avoid congestions in busy city road networks. The common traffic signals controller, which are used to switch the signal displays are of two kinds, the pretimed with fixed time signaling, and the traffic actuated controller whose signals changes depending on the variations in the level and speed of traffic. Pretimed controllers are the most basic, operating on a predetermined sequence of signal indications. They are most appropriate where traffic volumes and movements are predictable and fairly stable. Along a signalized street system, pretimed controllers can be set and coordinated to facilitate a nonstop movement of vehicles (Korve 63). Actuated controllers are mostly employed where there is irregularity in the fluctuation of the traffic volumes. They are desirable where there is need to reduce interruptions to traffic flow on the street with the greatest volume of traffic. They are examples of modern technology in traffic signaling, fixed with detectors that detect traffic volumes in order to send signals to facilitate the changing of traffic lights signals. It requires a trained technician to periodically monitor the intersections, to properly adjust the timing of the signals for an actuated controller to work efficiently. However, more advanced controllers that use computers in controlling, operating, and supervising traffic controlling signal system exist. This can make is easier and cheaper to manage traffic movements in a congested town or city. It is recommendable that relevant bodies in collaboration with professional traffic engineering help specify the correct locations where traffic signals can be places in to foster efficient and effectiveness in controlling traffic movements. In areas where there are favorable traffic volumes and patterns, traffic signals should not be applied
When Is a Signal Needed?
A traffic signal can be of great assistance in controlling traffic, when installed appropriately. Necessary precaution should be taken when adopting a certain traffic signal. Poorly designed traffic signal can be detrimental as it may result to inefficient and ineffective signaling that may pose potential dangers to road users especially at an intersection (Wagner 42). It is also important that traffic signals be installed where they are warranted. Placing the signals in areas where they are of no help can result to unwanted traffic stops. This would create avoidable delays, waste of fuel, and other unnecessary negative outcomes. Traffic signals should be applied in areas such as school crossing, areas with high intersecting traffic volume, areas where progressive vehicle movements are expected to ease congestions, intersections with high accident rates, and other areas where the flow of traffic should be regulated.
Traffic Signal Maintenance
Traffic signals should be checked and maintained regularly, to ensure they function properly. When they are neglected, they become inefficient and sometimes fail, stopping operating, which causes delays and accidents on roads. For a successful and efficient traffic control system, there ought to be a proper and effective management program for the maintenance of traffic signal system. The program should be able to facilitate both preventive and remedial maintenance (U.S Department of Administration 13). Failure to ensure this, travel efficiency and safety would be compromised resulting to huge costs among the road users. Highway and traffic agencies are obliged to ensure their traffic systems work properly. Monitoring of traffic at intersections is also necessary to provide an insight of how to update traffic control strategies to correspond to the current needs. The agencies should not wait until when the flow of traffic has become a nightmare or wait until the traffic signal systems fail, in order or the to act. Early preparations are important as they ensure traffic problems are solved at the right time to avoid complaints of inconvenience among the roads users. Traffic signal maintenance should entail replacing defective components of the traffic system, adjusting signals to provide efficient traffic flows corresponding to the situation, and regular modification of the system to suit traffic conditions.
The table below shows how signaling plays an important roles in facilitating a smooth traffic flow;
Table 1: Annual Impacts of Quality of Traffic Flow Strategies per One Million of Urban PopulationAction Reduction in vehicle hours of travel (millions) Traffic Signal System Improvements (Interconnect, Optimize Timing, Advanced Master Control)19.5 (9.8%)Traffic Signal Removal and Flashing3.2 (1.6%)
Legal Aspects
The role of highway traffic agencies is to ensure roads are properly maintained to meet the standards that ensure safety for the road users. Legally, they have a duty to employ reasonable care to facilitate the creation of a safe environment in highways and other roads. When they fail to do so, road accidents may increase, and when these happen, the highway traffic agencies could be legally held liable for such accidents for their failure to ensure roads are safe. When tra...
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