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Written Assignment Six: Technology in Education. Technology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 6

Imagine that you must make a proposal to your supervisor to create a training workshop for new hires in your field to help them acclimate to their jobs. Write a 500-word essay explaining your proposal to a colleague. Include a description of the position being trained. Identify and explain the learning objectives for the workshop. How do you plan to deliver the training: face-to-face or online? Why did you choose this mode of delivery? What learning technologies and resources would you use, and why did you make these choices? Be sure to support your reasons throughout with information found in the readings and materials assigned in this module.


For this module, please begin by reading the Commentary (below) before you read the assigned Internet articles and view the video. These brief notes will give you a context for how the readings and video resources fit together with the objectives for this unit.

Articles (Academic Search Premier)

Bonvillian, William B., and Susan R. Singer. “The Online Challenge to Higher Education.” Issues in Science & Technology. 29.4 (2013): 23-30.

Articles (Internet)

Oller, Rick. “The Future of Mobile Learning.” Research Bulletin. Educause Center for Analysis and Research, May 1, 2012 https://net(dot)educause(dot)edu/ir/library/pdf/ERB1204.pdf

Brame, Cynthia. "Flipping the Classroom". Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University (2013). https://cft(dot)vanderbilt(dot)edu//cft/guides-sub-pages/flipping-the-classroom/

Klawe, Maria, and Schofield, Elizabeth. “The Evolving MOOC.” Educause Review (March 24, 2014). http://er(dot)educause(dot)edu/articles/2014/3/the-evolving-mooc

Video (YouTube)

What is a MOOC? (4:26) https://youtu(dot)be/eW3gMGqcZQc?list=PLVtJtqhiBIDHJuD-e8Hha2HtaIjjQFKbr


The world is changing. Globalization is proceeding at a rapid pace. We are living in a world where competition for market share is no longer local or national but global. The expansion of the Internet, the advent of mobile computing, and the World Wide Web created an infrastructure that has fueled globalization in all markets including education. Higher education, in particular, has felt the effects of this phenomenon. Colleges and universities compete for students worldwide, especially in e-Learning. E-Learning is no longer considered an innovation in postsecondary education. It is now an essential way to do business. For some schools it has been a way to survive and thrive. Bricks-and-mortar campuses cannot keep up with the demand for education, nor do they always meet the needs of students. Thomas Edison State University is a case in point.

Education is changing. Twenty-first-century schools must focus on a different set of skills to create the intellectual capital needed to be competitive in this global economy. In addition to critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, and interpersonal skills, an expanded kind of literacy is required in the curricula of today's schools. The definition of literacy in today's world goes way beyond the "three Rs." Literacy in the twenty-first century includes: (1) scientific and technological literacy, (2) visual and information literacy, and (3) multicultural literacy. Education in the twenty-first century occurs in both formal and informal settings. The social construction of knowledge is enhanced with the emergence of Web 2.0 tools, such as blogs, wikis, social networks, and content sharing sites. Add to this mobile technology, and the realization of anytime/anyplace learning is within easy reach.

Students are changing. A great deal has been written about the "millennial generation." These students, born after 1982, have never known a world without the personal computer. They grew up with the Internet. Research has shown that their brains are wired differently. Marc Prensky describes the generational differences between these students and their teachers with the terms digital natives and digital immigrants, respectively. They want to learn differently. They want to engage in meaningful problem solving. The construction of knowledge is a collaborative activity. They feel right at home using social networks and other Web 2.0 tools.

The materials assigned for this module explore an array of issues and current attempts to maximize the benefits of using technology in American education today.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Written Assignment Six: Technology in Education
The need for increased productivity in workplaces makes companies to consider hiring new assistant managers to help in realizing the organizational goals. However, some of the managers will require additional training to familiarize with the new environment and people they are expected to work with. The manager may be competent in skill and experience, but there is a need to orient the new employee with the culture of the farm. Additionally, since the firm has expectations from new managers when it hires them, it is essential that they are oriented with the organizational mission and vision with the people they will need to consult in case they need any assistance. The new hire training program serves the purpose of training the manager on the workplace culture, the risks involved with the job, and the kind of people he is likely to encounter. This workshop for new managers is intended to achieve the following four objectives.
* To foster new experience for new managers and make them aware of their potential roles and responsibilities
* To impart the new managers with the training culture of the firm and what is expected of them
* To expose the new hire manager to the systems in the firm and train them on how to use the available systems
* To inform the new employee of the regulations in the workplaces and anticipated consequences in case the person fails
In spite of the advantages of online train...
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