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Young Women Should have the Option to Choose Whom They Want to Love

Essay Instructions:

topic :Young women should have the option to choose whom they want to love


Write an evaluative claim (one to two sentences) about a problem; this argument must be based on three reasons. For example, argue that something is harmful, unethical, failing, backfiring, etc. based on three reasons. Determine a set of criteria you will use to argue your claim. Your thesis statement will be tailored to establish that the topic is a problem.

X is (harmful/unjust/another adjective) because [insert three reasons based on your evaluation criteria: A, B, and C].

Be sure your topic is specific and debatable. For example, most people would agree that violence is harmful, but not everyone would agree that the death penalty is ethical. Claiming that violence is harmful to society is not only too broad a topic, but it is also not debatable. Thus, it would not make an effective claim. It would be much more manageable to argue that California's (or another state's) application of the death penalty is unjust or to argue that the appeals process for inmates on death row discriminates against (or disproportionately affects) a particular group. Because you will also need to introduce and respond to an opposing view in your essay, it's especially important that you choose a topic about which there is at least some disagreement.


To identify a problem that links to your narrative argument topic and to learn how to create an evaluation claim that addresses a social issue. You will use ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade your audience.

Exceeds expectations (A - B)


Introduction: The essay has an eloquently-crafted introduction that identifies the topic/ problem/ issue to be solved (EXCEEDS)

Introduction: includes a strong lead-in that clearly addresses and/or anticipates who the audience of the argument is (EXCEEDS)

Thesis: Proposal claim is clear and compelling in the introduction. The thesis clearly states and elaborates on 1) who or what 2) should do what (EXCEEDS)


Grammar: Language is clean and correct with no more than a few typos (EXCEEDS)

Style: A consistent style and use of language enhance the impact of the essay (EXCEEDS)

Format: The paper is MLA formatted with a complete heading (MEETS)

Title: The title introduces the essay in a way that distinguishes it from other students’ essays (MEETS)


Research: Author incorporates applicable, credible, and relevant outside information as evidence to build the proposed solution (EXCEEDS)

Research: Incorporation of research demonstrates a critical understanding of the sources and includes a variety of styles (in the form of brief quotes, paraphrases, or summary of information) (EXCEEDS)

Citation: Quotations are short and concise, and are smoothly incorporated into text. Quotes are clearly introduced and explained (EXCEEDS)

Citation: Research consistently includes in-text citations and the Works Cited list in MLA style (MEETS)


Organization: Well-developed and focused body paragraphs elaborate on each aspect of the proposed solution, including implementation and feasibility of the proposal (EXCEEDS)

Organization: Each paragraph includes an opening sentence that states a reason to support the claim; evidence (facts, statistics, expert opinions, and/or examples) to illustrate the author’s point; and analysis/discussion in the author’s own words of what the evidence shows (EXCEEDS)

Development: Other solutions are considered and used to develop how the author’s proposal is different and/or better (EXCEEDS)

Development: Conclusion goes beyond re-stating claim verbatim and offers the broader implications of the argument (EXCEEDS)

Development: The author acknowledges opposing viewpoints and uses them to build on the proposal argument (MEETS)

Development: Ethos, pathos and logos are engaged. The author uses the third-person objective voice (MEETS)


This is an important part of the rubric, but the evidence of this work is not clearly visible in the final draft provided here, so this section is left blank.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Research Essay
A new study reveals that women fall under marginalized groups in society. The fact that society views women as minors and somewhat insignificant limits them regarding many things in their communities (Capurri 334). For example, society believes that it is the man’s responsibility to make decisions on behalf of women in various aspects. They are in charge of deciding nearly everything that concerns women. There is considerable women under-representation in self-decision-making globally. This is not only a domestic issue; there are also concerns about considering women insignificant and less powerful such that policies and rules to increase the undertaking towards achieving gender equality and enhancing women’s empowerment are being formulated in most countries. Prioritizing women and their decisions is a top priority because they are essential in society. Also, their participation in their independent decision-making is itself a crucial personal goal and demonstrates stability and individual development. They have a right to choose freely whatever pleases them without the need for third parties coming in to influence their decisions. Therefore, young women should have the option to choose whom they want to love because loving someone is a personal choice of the heart; it is a practical approach to empower women in society, and choosing by themselves will strengthen the relationship.
Young women should be allowed to select their partners freely since loving someone is a personal choice of the heart. According to dating experts and counsellors, love should entirely be an individual’s choice or decision since the person’s acts decide if it lives on or ends. The young woman is responsible for independently being in charge of their relationships, from developing feelings for a potential partner to creating a long-term bond with that person and going ahead with the relationship after deciding to end up together (Tobore 862). Being in control of the bond with the better half means they can comfortably push beyond the existing challenges and conflicts and relate well. Choosing themselves allows the person to communicate effectively and build long-term trust, emotional connection, intimacy, etc., with the lover. On the other hand, permitting other parties to choose on another person’s behalf might lead to the young woman ending up with someone incompatible with them. They cannot bond well emotionally and maintain the relationship long-term. Therefore, young women should have the option to choose whom they want to love.
Secondly, young wom...
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