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Writing Assignment: Stonewalling
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Instructions: Write a 200-word response to the questions below in a self-reflective essay of your tendency to stonewall when in conflict. Then sit with someone with whom you have an important relationship and ask him or her if your self-reported answers to these items matches her or his experience with you when you two have had conflict. What have you learned about your tendency to avoid responding to a question or otherwise to be evasive? Your name, assignment title, and date should be placed in the upper right-hand margin of your paper. Use at least 2 academic sources. Make sure that you list the sources in MLA format.
Stonewalling consists of a total lack of listening behavior and “tuning out” in response to a partner's requests to change through criticism, concerns, and “nagging” (Gottman, 1989) and is often seen when couples engage in patterns of demand-withdraw behavior.
The demand/withdraw interaction pattern is a destructive cycle of relationship communication behavior that is associated with negative individual and relationship outcomes. Demand/withdraw behavior is thought to be strongly linked to partners' emotional reactions. (
✓ Under what circumstances, in general, do you find yourself stonewalling someone?
✓ Think about a specific situation in which you have stonewalled someone, what did you achieve by doing so?
✓ When someone stonewalls you, how do you react?
✓ What do you think the other person is trying to do in stonewalling?
✓ What judgment do you make of someone who is stonewalling you?
✓ What judgments do others make of you when you stonewall them?
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Stonewalling refers to a tenacious denial to communicate or express emotions. This behavior occurs in a demand-withdraw pattern. It is a negative relationship communication associated with adverse personal and relationship results (Baucom et al. 80). I find myself stonewalling others in intense and emotional overwhelm. Also, I may stone a person by responding with a one-word reply or not responding completely during discussions. Whenever I feel endless criticisms or assume a conflict cannot be solved, I retreat inwardly, establishing a gap between myself and others.
One incident in which I stonewalled someone happened during an intense discussion with my friend. Through stonewalling, I was interested in evading additional emotional distress and safeguarding myself from the alleged attack. Nevertheless, stonewalling intensi...
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