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Why Anthropology Is a Holistic Discipline

Essay Instructions:

The following two questions must be answered in the essay. Along with the answering questions, if it enhances your understanding of the concept add and example or personal experience. Only use web-based sources to support your facts.

Why anthropology is a holistic discipline?

Demonstrate that you understand the difference between culture with an upper case \\\"C\\\" and lower case \\\"c\\\".

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1.Anthropology is the study of several subjects merged together into one. It does not focus on natural sciences alone but also takes into account the theories affiliated with humanities and social sciences. This merger of different subjects in anthropological works is what allows it to create a more holistic approach to the examination of humans. This subject not only responsible for learning from these various disciplines but also for contributing to them and working with them to create a complete information portal on the life of humanity.
The holistic approach to anthropology is better understood by the sub-divisions of this subject itself. The job of physical anthropologists is to study the biological make-up of man, understanding his bodily needs and requirements. In a similar fashion, cultural anthropologists look at various aspects of man`s culture. Be it the history of man, his linguistic growth or the study of culture itself, the cultural approach studies man`s behavior in society at large. Lastly, anthropology also gives rise to the ethnographer who takes on a scientific approach to human culture. Thus, all three studies aim to understand anthropology from every aspect possible. The study of human culture is not only taken at face value but broken down to better understand each intricate detail of the concept.
The idea of holistic approach also comes from the ability of anthropology to study all human culture. This means that the discipline spans over continents and eras. It is not the study of a single largest community or a sole modern society. Instead, it is the understanding of human culture at a global level by taking into account the numerous and diverse cultural groups that are and were prevalent all over the globe.
Thus, anthropology looks at humanity over time and space by including all aspects of their existence. The holistic approach allows for a study not only of the economic, political or social background of humanity but also studies their physical, evolutionary and psychological make-up. There is also the "four-field" approach taken to anthropology which is considered essential to properly understand the existence of humanity (Science Daily). This approach also allows for all approaches to man`s presence to be explored. Therefore, by taking into account every detail of man`s past and present; anthropology understands the total make-up on man, at every level, allowing i...
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